Page 4 - English 10 | Games and Activities-1
P. 4


                             F1  Exchanging personal information in both formal and informal language
         10 GRADE            F2  Taking part in a conversation in everyday life situations
             1   Getting Acquainted

          This activity aims to have students talk about themselves by expressing their opinions and preferences
          based on the clues written on the board game. It also helps students to become more acquainted with
          one another by supporting their speaking and listening skills.

          Materials and Preparation
          Copies of the dice on page 13 and board game on page 14
          Cut out the dice pattern in the appendix and make the dice.

          1  Put students into groups of three or four (depending on the size of the class).
          2  Determine the rule of the progress as clockwise or counterclockwise.
          3  Remind each student to roll the dice in turns.
          4  Ask each student to move their game pieces (a rubber, a pencil sharpener, a button, etc.) along the
             path according to the number of spaces indicated by the dice.
          5  Have students make sentences related to the prompts.
             E.g. The best thing about my school is that we have a lot of fun in the classes.
          6  Tell students to go back to an earlier space when they land on the 7 , 15 , or 19  spaces in the game.
             Emphasize that it is not to penalize them; instead, to include a chance factor and fun. The group
             reaching the ‘Finish’ space first is considered to be the winner.
             2   Let Me Know

          This activity aims to have students exchange personal information via information-gap cards.

          Materials and Preparation
          Information-gap cards on page 15

          1  Put students into pairs.
          2  Tell students that they are going to complete the missing parts of their info cards by asking questions
             to their partners who have the missing information.
          3  Give students 15 minutes to work together and tell them the rules.
             Student A: Study the extracurricular activities table you have and ask your partner questions
             according to it.
             Student B: Study the extracurricular activities table you have and answer your partner’s questions
             according to it.
          4  When students have finished the activity, let them check each other’s completed crosswords and
             their spelling with their partners.

   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9