Page 5 - English 10 | Games and Activities-1
P. 5


                             F1  Exchanging personal information in both formal and informal language
         10 GRADE            F2  Taking part in a conversation in everyday life situations
             3   Personal Profile

          The aim of the activity is to help students develop their communicative skills in English and have them
          exchange personal information creating their personal profiles.

          Materials and Preparation
          Sample personal profile, personal profile templates on pages 16 and 17

          1  Ask students to study the sample personal profile and tell them that they are going to create their
             own personal profiles. Give them 3 minutes.
          2  Hand out the personal profile templates and give them 10 minutes to create their personal profiles.
          3  Monitor and guide them while they are carrying out the task.
          4  As the last step of this activity, have the volunteers present their works.

             4   I Have A Say

          The activity aims to have students take part in a conversation in everyday life situations.

          Materials and Preparation
          A copy of each dialog (for your partner with whom you are going to read them aloud) on page 18
          Clipped sentences/phrases as missing parts of the dialogs (as many as  the number of the groups
          available) on page 18
          Hand  out  the  sets  of  clipped  dialog  sentences/phrases  to  groups.  Remind  them  that  two  of  the
          sentences/phrases are extra in each set.
          Invite a student, preferably one with good pronunciation, to be your dialog partner while reading the
          dialogs aloud for students.
          Remind the student to be your dialog partner that s/he has to pause if a missing dialog part (the dotted
          line) finds him/her while reading the dialog aloud.

          1  Put students into groups of four or five depending on the size of the class.
          2  Give them a short time to study the clipped sentences they have.
          3  Tell them that these clipped sentences are the missing parts of the dialog(s) they are going to hear
             and when the readers pause for the missing parts, they will stand, on behalf of the group, and keep
             the dialog running in a meaningful way by using the most relevant clipped sentence/phrase they are
          4  Remind students, once more, that you are going to read the dialogs aloud for them and pause for
             the missing parts and that one person from each group, either randomly or a designated one, will
             stand and continue the dialog with the most relevant clipped sentence/phrase they have. The group,
             the member of which stands to speak first takes the turn.
          5  With your partner, start to read the dialog aloud for students and pause when a dotted line finds
             you/your partner and wait for the groups to come up with the correct sentence/phrase.
          6  The group to come up with the correct sentence/phrase will be awarded one point.
          7  Run the same process for each dialog you have.
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10