Page 17 - English 10 | Games and Activities-8
P. 17


         10 GRADE                   Answer Keys & Audio Scripts

               Answer Key

             6 Preferences Match
             Suggested Answers

             1  Do you prefer fruit juice or tea for breakfast?
             2  Do you prefer face-to-face or online communication?
             3  Would you rather spend your weekend in the city center than in the countryside?
             4  Do you prefer coffee or mineral water after meals?
             5  Do you prefer sneakers or boots in winter?
             6  Do you usually prefer vegetables or meat for lunch?
             7  Would you rather go to the seaside than mountain resort for the summer holiday?
             8  Do you usually prefer getting up early or late on weekends?
             9  Would you rather watch TV series than action films with your parents?
            10  Do you prefer text messaging or talking on the phone?
            11  Do you prefer watching or playing sports?
            12  Do you prefer rainy or shiny weather to take for a walk?
            13  Would you rather eat beef than fish at a restaurant?
            14  Do you prefer reading paper or online books?
            15  Do you prefer shopping alone or with your friends?

           Answer Key
           11 Complete and Discuss

           1  I think that social media will be more important in the future, so everyone should have basic
              computer skills.
           2  Today, schools have a greater variety of technological options. Therefore, students can become
              more technologically competent.
           3  I prefer my mobile phone as a technological device because it is easy to get online with it.
           4  In my opinion, distance learning is great because I can learn at my own pace.
           5  I believe that there are some negative effects of smart technologies on people since a lot of people
              depend heavily on them.
           6  It seems to me that electric cars use cheaper electricity for power; thus, they cost less.
           7  Since robotic technology improves, people should change their expectations related to machines’
           8  I think that smart devices can be used for entertainment purposes as it is possible to download
              many applications of this kind.
           9  People can check their e-mails, see text messages, videos, calls and social media notifications via
              smartwatches, so I believe that they will be very popular in the near future.

             192  Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
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