Page 18 - English 10 | Games and Activities-8
P. 18


         10 GRADE                   Answer Keys & Audio Scripts

            Audio Script
           Answer Key

           12 Causes and Effects

           Sophia     Now, we are having an interview with Dr. Felix, and we will talk about some up-to-date
                      problems in the world. Dr. Felix, I would like to start with climate change. As we all know,
                      changes in climate are not something new. What is new and more important is the influence
                      of people on climate change. I mean that human poses a great threat to our planet.
           Dr. Felix   Yes, this is what I will specifically talk about. Human activities have been the main driver of
                      climate change. I mean, we use energy to cook, drive our cars and use the heating system
                      in our houses. Even these simple day-to-day activities cause greenhouse gas emissions
                      which prevent the heat in the atmosphere to release, causing global warming.
           Sophia     Thank you for this remarkable explanation, Dr. Felix. Now, let’s move on to another serious
                      problem we have encountered; deforestation. What do you think about its serious effects?
           Dr. Felix   Main effects of deforestation include floods and loss of wildlife. Low soil quality is also an
                      inevitable result of deforestation.
           Sophia     OK, Dr. Felix... And..., the third problem is the shortage of clean water or let’s say polluted
                      water as well. What do you want to say about its effects?
           Dr. Felix   Well, it is one of the most serious problems we have ever had. This is because polluted
                      water leads to some serious health problems such as dysentery, cholera, etc. Since they
                      are contagious illnesses, we cannot recover from them easily.
           Sophia     Sure, I completely agree with you. Besides environmental problems, we have some other
                      up-to-date problems, as well. One of them is digital addiction. Would you like to talk about
           Dr. Felix   Absolutely! The more people prefer social media interactions, the more digital addictions
                      we see. To me, this is the main cause of digital addiction.
           Sophia     Alright! Now, everyone is familiar with this problem; it is insomnia. What exactly causes
                      insomnia, Dr. Felix?
           Dr. Felix   Everyone knows that it is mainly caused by over-stress and anxiety. However, it is quite
                      important that we should be aware of its effects and suggest some solutions for this
           Sophia     You are absolutely right, Dr. Felix. Thank you so much for your contribution to this interview.
           Dr. Felix   It was a great pleasure for me.

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