Page 5 - English 10 | Games and Activities-9
P. 5


                           F1  Talking about imaginary situations
         10 GRADE          F2  Expressing wishes
                           F3  Guessing meaning from the context
             1   Imaginary Race

          The activity aims to have students talk about imaginary situations. It also makes it possible for students
          to revise previously acquired vocabulary and grammatical patterns.

          Materials and Preparation
          Keywords on page 227
          As a preparation, the teacher cuts out the keywords.

          1  Put students into groups of four or five, depending on the size of the class.
          2  Explain students that you will give each group a set of keywords and they are expected to make as
             many sentences as they can about imaginary situations using the keywords given. Give them 15
             minutes for this.

             E.g. Keyword          : hero
                 Suggested Sentence  : If I were a hero, I would help disadvantaged people.

          3  Remind students that any accurate and coherent sentence will be accepted. Explain students that
             they will get 1 point for each correct sentence.
          4  Monitor and guide students while they are carrying out the task. When the time is over, have the
             groups read out their sentences.
          5  The group with the most points at the end of the game wins.

             2   Imaginary Endings

          This activity aims to have students talk about imaginary situations. It is expected to help students with
          their writing and speaking skills, and it aims to improve students’ communication skills.

          Materials and Preparation
          Worksheet on page 228
          As a preparation, the teacher photocopies and cuts out the worksheet as many as the number of students.

          1  Put students into pairs.
          2  Hand out the expressions card and ask them to write an answer for each item. Give them enough
             time for the task. Remind them not to tell or show their answers to anyone.
          3  Then, hand out the situations card. Ask them to complete the situations with their answers on the
             expressions card.
          4  Finally, after all the situations have been completed, hand out the questions card and have
             students make dialogs by asking the questions on the card and answering the questions with their
             sentences on the situations card in turns.

             218  Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı
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