Page 11 - English 11 | Games and Activities-8
P. 11
F1 Reporting news
11 GRADE F2 Making interview
F3 Talking about sports
9 What’s Under the Headline?
This activity enables students to report news. It will also help them to practice four main language skills.
Materials and Preparation
Make enough copies of the worksheet on page 160 for each pair of students.
1 Put students into pairs.
2 Give each pair a worksheet. Have them read all the headlines and choose one of them to write a news story for it.
Make sure they don’t choose the same headline with their partners.
3 After students have finished writing, ask them to read out their news story to their partners.
4 Then, get students to change partners and report their previous partners’ news stories to each other.
5 When the activity is over, get some feedback from students.
10 Get on Track!
This activity enables students to talk about sports and practice their listening, speaking and reading skills.
Materials and Preparation
Make enough copies of the worksheets on pages 161-162-163 for each group of four students.
1 Put students into groups of four and get them to choose a Quiz Master to ask the questions. The other three students
are the players.
2 Give a Get on Track game board to each group and a Quiz Questions worksheet to each Quiz Master.
3 Get each player to put a marker (such as a pencil sharpener, an eraser or a coin) on START. Make sure they cannot
see the quiz questions that the Quiz Master holds.
4 Explain that they need to listen to the questions carefully and try to be the first to give the correct answer. To do this,
they can raise their hands or knock on the desk. If the first player cannot give the right answer, another player can
answer the question. When they answer correctly, they toss a coin and move forward one square for head and two
squares for tail.
5 The first player to reach the WINNER square or to be the closest to the WINNER square, wins the game. The
students play the game as many rounds as they can until all the quiz questions have been asked.
Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı 148