Page 19 - English12 | Activity book-1
P. 19


                       4 Crazy Snake (2)                                                     12 GRADE

                                                Challenge Time!

                    Make a one-minute

                    speech on how your                          Sing a well-known

                      musical taste has                        song in a jazz style.

                 changed over the years.

                     Give a one-minute                    Make a 90 second-speech

                 speech on music and its                   on pop/rock/electronic/

                  importance in your life.                        hip-hop music.

                          Create a rap

                  song composed of four
                                                                Sing a well known
                verses using the phrases:                      song in a rap style.

                     Don’t you think …?,

                According to …, I believe…

                Make a 90 second-speech

                    on the purpose and

                        importance of

                        copyright law.

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