Page 22 - English12 | Activity book-1
P. 22


                       7 Information Gap                                                     12 GRADE

          Student A

          Take turns to ask and answer the questions to complete the text using the clues in the

          Do  you  know  the  1                             (what)  indeed  give  important  clues  about  your
          personality?  While  listening  to  any  type  of  music  2                   , (how) you may
          not truly recognize the reason why you choose it, even if these choices are mostly deduced from
          3                               (where).  Yes,  music  has  a  significant  effect  on  the  lives  of
          people  throughout  the  world;  that’s  why  4                             (who)  have  a  great
          variety  of  studies  on  what  individual  factors  might  influence  people’s  musical  preferences.
          5                              (which) large-scale studies, conducted by researchers at Heriot-Watt
          University, examined  6                             (how  many)  participants  from  different  parts
          of  the  world.  7                           (who)  rated  more  than  104  different  musical  styles
          along  with  offering  information  about  aspects  of  their  personalities.  Based  on  the  study,  there  is
          8                                (what)  that  people  often  make  between  who  they  are  as
          an  individual  and  their  musical  tastes.  The  researcher,  Adrian  North,  states  that  people
          9                                (when)  be  defensive  on  their  taste  in  music  choice
          might have a connection between how much it relates to attitudes and personality.
          10                              (who) also emphasizes that people identify themselves through
          music and exploit it as a tool to connect to other people.

          Student B
          Take  turns  to  ask  and  answer  the  questions  to  complete  the  text  using  the  clues  in  the

          Do you know the contents of your playlist indeed give  a
          (what)  about  your  personality?    While  listening  to  any  type  of  music  fondly,  you  may  not
          b                              (how) recognize the reason why you choose it, even if these
          choices  are  mostly  deduced  from  your  momentary  feelings.  Yes,  music  has  a  significant  effect  on
          the lives of people  c                            (where); that’s why many researchers have a
          great variety of studies on what individual factors might influence d
          (whose)  musical  preferences.  One  of  these  large-scale  studies,  conducted  by  researchers
          at  e                              (where), examined more than 36,000 participants from
          f                              (where). Participants rated  g                           (how
          many)  different  musical  styles  along  with  offering  information  about  aspects  of  their  personalities.
          Based on the study, there is a link that people often make between who they are as an individual and
          their musical tastes. h                         ,                            , (who) states that
          people sometimes be defensive on their taste in music choice might have a connection between how
          much it relates to i                           (what). North also emphasizes that people identify
          themselves through music and exploit it j                            (how) to connect to other

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