Page 8 - English12 | Activity book-2
P. 8
F1 Describing personal features
12 GRADE F2 Making conclusions
F3 Stating reasons
9 Guess What I Am Like
This activity aims to revise and practice vocabulary for describing one’s personality along with adverbs
of frequency.
Materials and Preparation
Copy and cut up the cards on pages 41 and 42 and make sure that each group has all of the twenty cards.
1 Divide students into groups of three or four. Give each of the groups a set of personality adjective
cards. Ask them to pile, shuffle, and place the cards face down on the desk.
2 To help students play the game more smoothly and set an example, you can demonstrate by copying
the card below on the board. Circle the three question marks and tell students that it is the mystery
word they should guess with the help of your descriptive sentences in which you need to use the
given adverbs of frequency.
(almost) always
(almost) never
3 While you read out the sentences below, write each of them in the blanks on the board.
- I’m always pleasant and friendly.
- I’m generally easy to get along with.
- I almost never show any signs of anger.
The mystery word is ‘good-tempered’.
1 Tell students to take turns to pick up a card from the pile. The student with the card is supposed to
describe the word in bold to the other students by making a sentence with (almost) always, generally,
and (almost) never.
2 Remind that they must write each sentence in the provided blanks on cards while they utter them,
and they cannot say the word itself or its variations while describing. Depending on the level of your
class, you can let students tell the first letter of the word as a clue before they say their sentences.
3 Tell students that the first member of the group to correctly guess the described word wins and
keeps the card. If the word cannot be guessed correctly, students have to remove the card from the
game. Until all the cards have been used, students continue describing words in turns. The student
with the most cards when the game is finished becomes the winner.
4 As a follow-up activity, quickly review students’ sentences for each word together as a class and have
the students agree on a definition.