Page 9 - English12 | Activity book-2
P. 9
F1 Describing personal features
12 GRADE F2 Making conclusions
F3 Stating reasons
10 You’ve Got a Message!
This activity aims to have students state reasons.
Materials and Preparation
A box/bag
Copy and cut up the cards on page 43.
1 Divide students into four groups. Put the note cards you have cut up in a box or a bag.
2 Tell one of the students from each group to pick up a note in the box/bag and read it to his/her
group members.
3 Give students ten minutes for a brainstorming session. Then, ask them to write a letter of apology
explaining the reasons.
4 Let one student from each group read their writings. Discuss whether the apology is appropriate or
11 Finish My Sentences
This activity aims to revise and practice linking words that are used to state reasons/results.
Materials and Preparation
Copy the worksheet on page 44 and make sure that each student in the class has one.
1 If you think your students might not be familiar with some of the linking words covered in the
worksheet, you may wish/need to give them brief information about them before handing it out.
Linking words covered in the worksheet are:
- as - due to
- because - since
- so - for this reason
- as a result of - owing to the fact that
- that is why - as a result
2 Hand out the worksheets and tell students that they are supposed to complete ‘Part 1’ with their
own words. Monitor and help when necessary.
3 Once ‘Part 1’ has been completed, ask students to pair up with a classmate and swap their worksheets.
Tell them that they need to finish their partner’s sentences by completing ‘Part 2’.
4 Stop the activity after an appropriate length of time and tell students to swap their worksheets
once again. Ask them to read their completed sentences. As a quick follow-up, you can have each
pair read out one of their sentences and check as class.