Page 8 - English 9 | Games and Activities-3
P. 8

THEME 3            MOVIES

                             F1   Talking about likes/dislikes, hobbies and free time activities
                             F2   Expressing opinions
         9 GRADE             F3   Making preferences
                                Asking about and telling the time and the date
                             F5   Inviting and refusing accepting an invitation
            10   What Time Is It?
          This activity aims to have students practise telling the time.

          Materials and Preparation
          Copy and cut up the opinion cards on page 69 and make sure that two students in each group have
          the same cards.
          STEP 1
          1  Ask students to work in pairs and give each pair a set of clock cards along with a set of time cards.
             Have students shuffle each set and spread them face down on the desk in two separate sets.
          2  Tell students that they need to turn over one card from each set. If one of them turns over a matching
             pair of cards (if the clock face and the time are matched), s/he is supposed to say the time. (e.g. “It is
             half past seven.”) S/he then keeps the matching pair of cards and plays another turn. If the two cards
             do not match, the student turns them back over and keeps them in the same spot. The student who
             has the most cards at the end of the game becomes the winner.
          STEP 2
          1  Ask students to put away the set of time cards and shuffle the clock cards. Have them place the
             shuffled cards face down as a pack on the desk.
          2  Tell students that they need to pick a card from the pile and show it to their partner, asking “What
             is the time?” The other student is supposed to tell the time on the card. If the student answers the
             question correctly, s/he scores a point. The student who has the most points at the end of the game
             becomes the winner.

            11   Tell Me the Date

          This activity aims to have students practise telling the date.

          Materials and Preparation
          Copy and cut up the tables on page 70; one copy is required for each pair of students.
          1  Divide students into pairs—one of the pairs is Student A, and the other is Student B.
          2  Give students their own corresponding worksheet and tell them to keep it face down on the desk so
             that their partner cannot see it.
          3  Tell students that they are supposed to ask questions about the missing dates in the table on their
             worksheet in turns and fill in the table with their partner’s answers. (e.g. A: What is the date in square
             A1? B: It’s the 3  of March.)
          4  Monitor while walking around the classroom and help when necessary. When the activity is finished,
             have students compare their own worksheet with their partner to check for any misspellings.

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