Page 9 - English 9 | Games and Activities-3
P. 9
F1 Talking about likes/dislikes, hobbies and free time activities
F2 Expressing opinions
9 GRADE F3 Making preferences
Asking about and telling the time and the date
F5 Inviting and refusing accepting an invitation
12 Social Butterfly
This activity aims to have students make invitations, and refuse or accept an invitation.
Materials and Preparation
Copy and cut up the material on page 71 and make sure that each student has one.
1 Tell students to work with their partners. Give each student a blank diary.
2 Write a list of eight different activities on the board.
For example: go for a picnic, surf on the Net, play chess, go to the cinema, work out, take photos, go
swimming, do origami, etc.
3 Tell students that they must fill up four days on the planner, and choose two activities for each. They
are free for three days.
4 When they have filled up their diaries, tell them to discuss their social program with their partners
and make new plans together. Remind them of asking questions and using expressions like:
- Why don’t we...? - Oh, I think it is a fantastic idea!
- Let’s...! - Cool!
- How about...? - Thanks, that sounds nice!
- Shall we...? - Oh, I’d love to, but...
- Oh, What a great idea! - Sorry, but...
13 Likes and Dislikes Game
This activity aims to revise and consolidate words related to hobbies/free time activities and have
students talk about their likes/dislikes.
Materials and Preparation
Copy the game board on page 72 and make sure that each group in the class has one. Each group
should have a dice, and each student should have one counter or something equivalent to move
across the board.
1 Divide students into groups of three or four and give a copy of the game board and a dice to each
group. Make sure that all group members have a counter (or something equivalent) of their own.
Tell students that they need to roll the dice and move their counter along the board in turns.
2 Inform students about the following rules of the game:
• Once a student lands on a square, s/he is supposed to talk about the topic on the square for
twenty seconds without long pauses.
• If s/he cannot find anything to say about the topic or stops talking before his/her time is up, s/he
needs to go back to his/her previous square.
• The first person that can reach the finish square becomes the winner.
3 Monitor while walking around the classroom and help when necessary. You do not have to wait for
each group to have a winner; you can stop the activity after an appropriate length of time.