Page 20 - English 9 | Games and Activities-6
P. 20


                       9 Enjoy Your Meal!                                                    9 GRADE
          A  Work  in  groups  to  create  your  own  restaurant  menu.  First,  name  the  restaurant.  Then,
             complete the menu writing items for each category.



                    Y MENU Z                                             DESSERTS


                        MAIN DISHES                                                         £

                                              £                           DRINKS

                                              £                                             £

                                              £                                             £
                                              £                                             £

          B  Match the expressions with the appropriate responses below.

                 1  Can we have a table for two, please?        a  I will have soda, please.

                 2  Could we get a table by the window, please?  b  Delicious, thanks.

                 3  Are you ready to order?                     c  Sure. Would you follow me, please?
                                                                d  Could I have a few minutes to look at the
                 4  Would you like a starter?
                                                                   menu, please?
                 5  Would you like anything to drink?           e  Of course. I'll just go and get it for you.
                                                                f   I am sorry; they are all reserved, madam.
                 6  Enjoy your meal!
                                                                   How about this table?
                 7  How do you find the food, sir?              g  Thank you.

                 8  May I have the bill, please?                h  Yes, I’d like a bowl of tomato soup, please.

          C  Work in groups. Role-play a dialogue between a waiter/waitress and the customers in a
             restaurant. Order food and drinks using the menu you have created in Exercise A and the
             expressions in Exercise B. Take turns to play the role of customers and waiter/waitress.

                                           Ortaöğretim Genel Müdürlüğü Öğretim Programları ve Ders Kitapları Daire Başkanlığı  137
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