Page 22 - English 9 | Games and Activities-6
P. 22


                      11 Different Ways of Eating                                            9 GRADE

          What is considered to be weird or acceptable can differ across cultures. Learning about different cultures
          helps us understand different perspectives. Here are some interesting food customs around the world
          that would appear seriously strange to someone from another culture:

                                     China                                            India
                             Eating  with   chopsticks                       Indians  eat  with  their
                             is  a  well-known  Chinese                      hands. It might seem
                             tradition.  When  dining  in                    strange for the others who
                             China,  the  thing  that  you                   use forks and knives when
                             should never do is pointing                     eating, but Indians believe
                             at a person or an object with                   that  it  is  the  best  way
           chopsticks or sticking chopsticks upright in your   to relish food. Wash your hands thoroughly
           rice. Another thing that you should know is to   before you eat, and never use your left hand
           leave a small amount of food on your plate if you   while eating. Just like the people in the Middle
           don’t want to eat more. To finish the plate can be   East,  Indians  use  the  left  hand  for  other
           considered a good gesture for most cultures, but   functions such as washing, bathing, and using
           in China, the empty plate shows that you are still   the restroom. So, if you eat with your left hand,
           hungry and want some more food.                 it might seem disrespectful and unhygienic.

                                      Japan                                            Korea

                             In  Japan,  slurping  loudly                      Respect for the elders is
                             while  eating  your  noodle                       very important in Korea.
                             soup is a sign that you are                       The oldest person at the
                             enjoying the food. Japan                          table  starts  eating  first.
                             also has the habit of using                       When  the  food  arrives,
                             chopsticks. The thing that                        you should wait for them
           you should avoid doing is sharing your meal     to start eating. The other thing you should avoid
           with another person with your chopsticks. It is   doing is eating directly from communal dishes. It
           considered rude to pass food from one set of    is considered disrespectful and rude.
           chopsticks to another.

          A  Read the text above and write True (T) or False (F) for the statements below.

                  1  Learning more about other cultures can help us understand and respect them.
                  2  In China, leaving food on your plate is a sign to the host that you don’t want to eat more.

                  3  In India, you should use your left hand while eating.
                  4  In Japan, it is rude to make a loud noise while you are drinking your noodle soup.

                  5  In Korea, you should let the oldest person start eating first before you get started.

          B  Work in groups. Prepare a presentation about interesting food customs or eating habits in
             your country, including the table manners that are considered rude or acceptable. Then,
             present it to your classmates.

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