P. 12



          WARM UP
          a) Answer the following questions.
           1.  Do you know what you should call your mother’s sister’s son or daughter?
           2.  What do you have in your bag?
           3.  What do you do if you get lost in a foreign city?
          b) Match the definitions with the family members.

          A grandfather B niece C  son D daughter E husband F  wife G granddaughter H father I mother J grandmother

           1  a married woman               5   a person’s male child             9  a daughter of your son or daughter
           2  a person’s female child       6   the father of a person’s father or mother  10 a female parent

           3  a male parent                 7   the mother of a person’s father or mother
           4  the daughter of your brother or sister  8  a married man

          c) Read the dialogue and match the objects to the people.

            Wilson :  There are a lot of pictures on the wall, James.
                                                                                        a                     b
            James :  Yes, they are my favourites. They are belongings of some family
                         members. They are nostalgic.
            Wilson :  I see… This is a nice motorbike. It’s awesome!
            James :  Sure, it is my father’s motorbike. The early 80s. It has a nice design.
            Wilson :  What about this watch, here?
            James :  That’s my grandfather’s, Tony Milton’s watch. A Swiss watch. It is in my
                         father’s house now. It still looks perfect.
                                                                                        c                   d
            Wilson :  Interesting. He is very lucky. And I can see a telephone handset in the
                         picture up there.
            James :  That’s a nice piece. It is grandma’s, Mrs. Milton’s. I love it. It still works.
            Wilson :  And that camera on the left?
            James :  Ah, it is mom’s. A gift from her grandmother.

           F   1. Tony Milton   F   2. James’ father  F   3. Mrs. Milton  F   4. James’ mother

          d) Read the definitions and then write the job.

            1.  My name is Tom. I build roads, bridges, or machines.                                                      ................................
            2.  My name is James. I give medical care and treatment to sick animals.                               ................................
            3.  My name is Alice. I treat people who are ill.                                                                    ................................
            4.  My name is Sally. I prepare food by heating it, for example by boiling, baking or frying.        ................................
            5.  My name is Esra. I work in a shop that sells flowers and plants.                                        ................................
            6.  My name is Betty. I bake and sell bread and cakes.                                                         ................................
            7.  My name is Terry. I design furniture.                                                                              ................................

           Who am I?

      10    English for Preparatory Class
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