P. 14



                                                  HAVE GOT / HAS GOT

          We use have got and has got to talk about our possessions.

                 Affirmative Sentences              Negative Sentences              Interrogative Sentences

                                                                                   Have you got a ruler? Yes, I have.
               I have got a pencil.              I haven’t got a duster.
           ◽                                 ◽                                     Have they got a brand new camera?
               I have got a brand new camera.     You haven’t got a brand new camera.    Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.
           ▪                                 ▪                                 ▪
               She has got a pencil.             She hasn’t got a duster.          Has she got a ruler? No, she hasn’t.
           ◽                                 ◽                                 ◽
               Jane has got a brand new camera.    Ali hasn’t got a brand new camera.  ▪   Has Gökçe got a brand new camera?
           ▪                                 ▪
                                                                                   Yes, she has. / No, she hasn’t.

                                         BE (am, is, are) or HAVE GOT / HAS GOT

             We use “be” to say something about a person, a thing or     We use “have got” or “has got” to talk about someone
          ◽                                                  ◽
            a place to describe their qualities, state or jobs.  or something’s possessions.
                 Fiona is my friend.                                Fiona has got a good character.
            ▪                                                  ▪
                 She is a student at the University of California.     She has got many other friends from the USA.
            ▪                                                  ▪
                 You are friendly and helpful.                      Her friends have got different backgrounds.
            ▪                                                  ▪
                 I am always with her.

          a) Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of have got, has got, am, is, and are.
          Hello! I (1) _____ Jessica. I (2) _____ blonde hair, and blue eyes. I live in İzmir, in the west of Türkiye. I (3) _____ a dog and two
          cats. My dog (4) _____  spots all over its body. His name (5) _____ Spotty. It (6) ____ big brown eyes. My cats’ names (7) _____
          Piper and Piglet. They (8) _____ any hair, so people (9) ____ afraid of them. I (10) _____ fond of taking photos, and my biggest
          dream (11) _____ to organize my own exhibition one day.

          b) Read the interesting story of “OGM Materyal” and fill in the blanks with am / is / are or have got / has got.

                            What is “OGM Materyal”?

                      Dear students,

                      This is a short message from the “OGM Materyal” team. We want you to know our website
                      better. “OGM Materyal” (1) __________ an inspiring story for all of us. It (2) __________ a great
                      website for high school teenagers in Türkiye. It (3) __________ many different features in it.
                      Have you ever watched any course videos on the website? You know it (4) __________ a lot
                      of videos for learning English too. Some of the videos (5) __________ full of fun. The website
                      also (6) __________ many language learning materials such as activity books, question
                      banks of different school subjects, etc. For more, click on the website. All of the materials
                      (7) __________ extremely useful for your studies. The materials there (8) __________ also
                      new and original. They (9) __________ lots of benefits for nearly all the courses at high
                      school, so try to make the most of them.

                      Best wishes,

                      The team behind :)

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