P. 13



          a) Listen to the conversation and tick (✔) the phrases you hear.

            F  1. Can you speak English?                   F   6. Let me introduce you to Irena.
            F  2. Tell us about yourself.                  F   7. What do you do for work?
            F  3. It’s a great pleasure to meet you.       F   8. Do you like it here?
            F  4. Do you have a big family?                F   9. Where are you from?

            F  5. Where do you live?                       F   10. What are you doing these days?

          b) Listen to the conversation again and circle the correct answers. You can choose more than one for each.
            1.  Irena / Jane / Bob is the new student.
            2.  Irena is from Sweden / Hungary.

            3.  Irena can speak English / Turkish / German / French.
            4.  She has a small / big family.
            5.  She lives with her sister / brother / parents.
            6.  She feels sad / happy / excited / bored there.

          c) Listen again. Reorder the questions you hear.

            a.  Do you like it here?                F
            b.  Which languages can you speak, Irena?  F
            c.  Who do you live with, Irena?        F
            d.  Do you come from a big family?      F

            e.  What are you doing these days?      F

          d) Reorder the sentences to make a meaningful dialogue.

            a.  Hi, Mary. This is our family photo, 10 years ago.  F    f.  The woman behind you must be your mother, then.  F
            b.  No. He is my brother Matt. I’m next to him.  F    g.  Yes. His name is Bruce.                F
            c.  OK. I have to go now. Catch you later, Jim.  F    h.  Yes. She is next to my sister, Jane.   F
            d.  What a lovely photo, Jim! Is that you in the middle?  F    i.  Is that your father next to your sister?  F
            e.  Yes. She is a teacher.                  F       j.  Does she work?                           F


          Fill in the blanks according to you. Ask the questions in the box to exchange your personal information with your friends.
            1.  Hello, I am __________.      4.  I have __________ and __________. (Write your siblings.)
            2.  I am a __________.           5.  I live with __________.
            3.  I have a __________ family.  6.  I can speak __________ and __________.

                What do you do?
                Do you have a small or big family?
                How many brothers and sisters do you have?
                Who do you live with?
                Which languages can you speak?

                                                                                  English for Preparatory Class   11
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