Page 147 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 147
Fast Track to YDT - Relative Clauses (1)
9. The reason ---- Highway Code rules cover penalties ---- 13. Content marketers produce professional-grade videos
cyclists receive is to improve the safety of the most for platforms by using video editing software, ---- is more
vulnerable road users. engaging than images alone and minimises customers’
uncertainty in purchasing.
A) why / that
A) that
B) for which / who
B) which
C) that / when
C) who
D) in which / where
D) whom
E) of which / whom
E) whose
10. A gap year is a period of time ---- a student or a recent 14. 1929 is the year ---- the first Academy Awards were given
graduate takes time off from their education to concentrate out by five boards of judges, each of ---- was from different
on learning from new experiences and travel, ---- can be branches—writers, directors, actors, producers, and
either domestic or abroad. technicians.
A) during which / that A) that / who
B) when / which B) where / what
C) whom / where C) when / whom
D) in which / whose D) of which / which
E) by which / to whom E) in which / whose
11. Lake Victoria, ---- over 3,000 islands and a great number of 15. Web servers place files on your computer called ‘cookies’,
archipelagos and reefs exist, is the biggest lake in Africa some of ---- may compromise your privacy by tracking the
and the largest tropical lake in the world. sites you visit, to enhance your browsing experience by
permitting sites to remember your preferences.
A) that
A) that
B) whose
B) where
C) which
C) whose
D) in which
D) which
E) on which
E) whom
12. As education for sustainable development is vital 16. One of the processes ---- materials are exchanged
for society, establishing basic values, attitudes, and between a cell and its surroundings is called diffusion, a
understanding in children, ---- can then serve as a basis familiar example ---- can be the way a flower’s scent swiftly
for practising sustainability, should start from an early permeates a room’s still air.
A) when / that
A) who
B) whereby / of which
B) that
C) where / of whom
C) which
D) why / whose
D) whom
E) which / who
E) by whom