Page 150 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 150

Fast Track to YDT - Consolidation

                                                               5.  A popular coffee brand ---- olive oil-infused coffee beverages
          Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen
          sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                            in Italy this month and ---- to launch them in the US, the UK,
                                                                  Japan, and the Middle East later this year.
        2021 YDT                                                  A)  has been rolling out / has planned
        1.  Children learn the language ---- to them and reinforce the
           unique features that are characteristic of the dialect ----.   B)  is rolling out / will plan
                                                                  C)  rolls out / was planning
           A)  speaking / being used
                                                                  D)  rolled out / had been planning
           B)  to be spoken / to use
                                                                  E)  has rolled out / is planning
           C)  spoken / used
           D)  being spoken / using
           E)  to speak / to be used

        2020 YDT
        2.  ---- as the main shipping route between the Indian and   6.  Bees are responsible for pollinating crops, which ----
           Pacific Oceans, Singapore ---- traders from China, India,   produce many seeds, nuts, fruits, vegetables, and berries
           and Europe for years.                                  that we ---- on for our daily diet.
           A)  To be served / had attracted                       A)  help / rely
           B)  Being served / would be attracting                 B)  are helping / are relying

           C)  To serve / will have been attracting               C)  have helped / have relied
           D)  Serving / has been attracting                      D)  helped / relied
           E)  Served / was attracting                            E)  have been helping / will rely

        2019 YDT
        3.  Brain death happens when the brain shows no signs of   7.  Agriculture manure producers ---- bioassays on the final
           any activity, ---- machines are keeping the heart and lungs   product since lab testing ---- inconclusive as to whether
           working.                                               the finished product will cause herbicide harm.

           A)  even if                                            A)  can conduct / must be
           B)  in case                                            B)  may conduct / ought to be
           C)  because                                            C)  used to conduct / could be
           D)  until                                              D)  should conduct / might be

           E)  after                                              E)  had to / would be

        4.  While artificial intelligence (AI) ---- rapidly from just   8.  Oral bacteria ---- the blood and activate markers of immune
           being a calculator to being productive, it ---- increasingly   activity implicated in rheumatoid arthritis, supporting the
           significant in academic fields as well as current business   idea that gum disease ----  to the painful joint condition.
                                                                  A)  can reach / may contribute
           A)  is shifting / is becoming
                                                                  B)  could reach / would have contributed
           B)  will shift / has been becoming
                                                                  C)  would reach / could have contributed
           C)  has shifted / became
                                                                  D)  is able to reach / has to contribute
           D)  shifted / had became
                                                                  E)  might reach / had better contribute
           E)  was shifting / was becoming

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