Page 148 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 148

Fast Track to YDT - Relative Clauses (2)

                                                               5.  ----  in  the  fourth  century  B.C.,  the  famous  library  of
          Verilen sorularda boş bırakılan yerlere uygun düşen
          sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.                            Alexandria, Egypt, served as the intellectual and cultural
                                                                  centre of the ancient Hellenistic world, ---- Plato, Aristotle,
                                                                  Homer, and Herodotus studied and taught.
        1.  Catherine wheel is a form of firework ---- of a powder-filled
           spiral tube with a  pin through  the centre ---- a  show of   A)  Built / where
           sparkles and coloured flame when lit.
                                                                  B)  Building / in which
           A)  consisted / produced
                                                                  C)  Having built / whom
           B)  having consisted / being produced
                                                                  D)  Having been built / that
           C)  consisting / producing
                                                                  E)  Being built / by which
           D)  having been consisted / to produce
           E)  to consist / to be produced

        2.  Madame Tussauds is a wax museum, ---- in 1835, has   6.  Brecht, widely ---- as the founder of the ‘epic theatre’, was
           inspired copycat museums in major cities worldwide, ----    a dramatist and a theatrical producer ---- a new theory of
           the waxworks of renowned and historical persons are    ‘theatrical alienation’.
           shown, as well as popular film and television characters.
                                                                  A)  acknowledging / developed
           A)  founding / where
                                                                  B)  acknowledged / developing
           B)  to found / that                                    C)  having acknowledged / having developed
           C)  founded / which
                                                                  D)  being acknowledged / to develop
           D)  to have founded / whom
                                                                  E)  to have acknowledged / having been developed
           E)  having been founded / in which

        3.  Gestalt psychology, ---- with Max Wertheimer’s work, is   7.  A strawberry magnolia dessert, highly ---- in both Turkish
           a school of thought ---- examines the human mind and   and foreign cuisine, is made up of custard, biscuits, and
           behaviour as a whole.                                  fresh strawberries.
           A)  originating / who                                  A)  having appreciated

           B)  originated / which                                 B)  to be appreciated
           C)  to have been originated / whose                    C)  appreciating
           D)  having originated / that                           D)  to have been appreciated
           E)  to be originating / where                          E)  appreciated

        4.  Biological, genetics, and individual temperament are the   8.  Glass blowing is a glass-forming process ---- expanding
           most internal factors ---- a child’s self-regulation ability,   molten glass with a blowpipe to make a glass bubble then
           ---- promotes learning, good behaviour, getting along with   ---- into glassware for functional or artistic purposes.
           others, and independence.
                                                                  A)  involved / to mold
           A)  influenced / that
                                                                  B)  to involve / molding
           B)  having influenced / through which
                                                                  C)  having involved / being molded
           C)  influencing / which
                                                                  D)  being involved / to be molded
           D)  to be influenced / where
                                                                  E)  involving / molded
           E)  to influence / in which

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