Page 192 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 192

Topic Summary - Gerunds and Infinitives


        Verbs are the words or phrases that describe an action, condition, or experience. Gerunds and infinitives look like verbs; however, they
        are actually verbal nouns, which act like nouns and function as subjects or objects in a sentence. A gerund is the noun form of a verb
        ending in ‘-ing’ (eating, trying, etc.), while an infinitive is the base form of the verb preceded by ‘to’ (to eat, to try, etc.) or without ‘to’
        (eat, try, etc.). In English, some verbs are followed only by a gerund, some are followed only by an infinitive, and some can be followed
        by either a gerund or an infinitive. It is important to learn these verbs and phrases in order to build proper and grammatically correct

         1. Usage of gerunds as the subject and subject complement

            “Gerund” bir fiilin köküne “-ing” getirilerek oluşturulan bir fiilimsidir.
           ▪  Sleeping is essential for our body to function properly.
           ▪  My greatest achievement so far has been completing my doctoral dissertation.
        Özne olarak (as the subject of a sentence)
            “Gerund’’ cümlenin öznesi olarak kullanılabilir.
           ▪ Giving children regular duties teaches them responsibility and helps them become more self-reliant.
           ▪ Listening to music with a slow or meditative tempo relaxes people by lowering their breathing and pulse rate.

           Gerund isim görevi görür. Bu nedenle iyelik sıfatlarıyla birlikte kullanılabilir.
           ▪ His being late to the meeting affected the team’s productivity because he was the main decision-maker.
           ▪ The boss did not understand the reason for David’s arguing with her.

           Gerund özne görevi gördüğünde cümlenin fiili tekil olmalıdır. Ancak “and’’ ile bağlanan birden fazla gerund varsa fiil çoğul olmalıdır.
           ▪ Arriving at the airport at least two hours before a domestic flight is recommended for the passengers.
           ▪ Regardless of what language you learn,  watching films and  listening to songs  are two important activities to improve
             your pronunciation.
        Öznenin tamamlayıcısı olarak (as subject complement)

            “Subject  complement’’,  “be”  fiili  ile  özneyi  tamamlamak  için  kullanılır.  Sadece  bir  sözcükten  ya  da  birden  fazla  sözcüğün
            oluşturduğu bir sözcük grubundan oluşabilir.

           ▪  The best thing about travelling abroad is trying new things.
           ▪ The biggest challenge at work is developing a time management system and getting everyone to act accordingly.

         2. Usage of gerunds as the object of a verb
            “Gerund’’ bir fiilin nesnesi olarak kullanılabilir.
        Kendisinden sonra “-ing” alması gereken belli başlı fiiller şunlardır:

                                             Some Verbs Followed by a Gerund
                   admit (to)                discuss                 include                   quit
                   anticipate                dislike                 involve                recommend
                   appreciate                enjoy                    justify                 report

                     avoid                   endure                   keep                    resent
                    complete                 fancy                   mention                  resist
                    consider                 finish                   mind                     risk
                     delay                    hate                  postpone                 suggest
                     deny                   imagine                  practise                tolerate

           ▪  A person who wants to have a successful career should never avoid taking risks.
           ▪  As I cannot resist eating chocolate and ice cream, I can never stick to a strict diet.

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