Page 197 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 197

Topic Summary - Gerunds and Infinitives

         3. Usage of infinitive after nouns and adjectives
            Bazı sıfatlardan sonra infinitive kullanabiliriz.

                                            Some Adjectives Followed by ‘to Infinitive’
                              afraid                      determined                    motivated
                             amazed                      disappointed                    pleased
                             anxious                        eager                         proud
                            ashamed                        fortunate                      ready
                              bound                         happy                        relieved
                             careful                       hesitant                        sad
                       (be/appear/look) certain             likely                        sorry
                            delighted                       lucky                        surprised

           ▪ Terry was surprised to learn that he was accepted for the position he had applied for.
           ▪ The research assistant was happy to finish her article before the deadline because she will be busy with experiments next
           ▪ I am sorry to inform you that your application for the scholarship has been declined by the institution.

            Bazı isimlerden sonra infinitive kullanabiliriz.
                                              Some Nouns Followed by ‘to Infinitive’
                             (in)ability                    effort                       request
                             attempt                        failure                       right
                             chance                         offer                        scheme
                             decision                     opportunity                   suggestion
                             demand                       permission                     tendency
                              desire                       proposal                       wish
                              dream                        refusal                         way

           ▪ Chameleons have the ability to change their colour in order to stabilise their body temperatures.
           ▪ Today’s parents have  a  tendency  to develop close relationships with their children by providing love, support, and
           ▪ Every child has the right to access food, clothing, and a safe place to live in order to develop in the best possible way.
         4. Usage of infinitive after nouns and adjectives

                                         Wh-Question Words Followed by ‘to Infinitive’

           ▪ Most parents don’t know how to react when their children misbehave at home.
           ▪ There are thousands of websites giving suggestions about where to go on holiday.
           ▪ All students should be trained about what to do in case of an emergency at school.
            *Soru sözcükleri ve “whether” ile oluşturulan “noun clause”ları “infinitive” kullanarak kısaltırız. Bu kullanım için ana cümlenin
            öznesi ile “infinitive” yapısındaki öznelerin aynı olması gerekir.
           ▪ Since both fields are my areas of interest, I cannot decide whether to choose philosophy or history as a major.
           ▪ After the cabinet meeting, the officials will announce whether to adopt a new agricultural policy or stick to the last one.
            Bir soru kelimesi olan “why”, “to infinitive” almaz. Fiil yalın halde kullanılır.

           ▪ Why spend a fortune on a jacket just because it is branded?
           ▪ Why not enjoy the good weather at the beach instead of spending our time at home playing computer games?

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