Page 194 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 194

Topic Summary - Gerunds and Infinitives

                                                Noun + Preposition + Gerundoun + Preposition + Gerund
                        advantage of                    excuse for                     problem of
                         chance of                        idea of                       reason for
                         capability of                   interest in                  reputation for
                          danger of                     method of                        risk of
                         difficulty in                   need for                      the point of
                         doubt about                    possibility of                   way of
            ▪  Although there is a chance of getting soaked anywhere while rafting, there is more where the current is directed.

            ▪  The author has a reputation for narrating simple and plain stories, but her depictions are sprinkled with irony from time to
                                          Preposition + Noun + Preposition + Gerund
                        on account of                 in exchange for                 in the middle of
                        on the brink of                 in favour of                    in case of
                        on the point of                 in return for                   for fear of
                       on the verge of                in the course of                for the sake of
                        in the habit of                  in spite of                   by virtue of

           ▪ The report shows that some fish species are on the brink of going extinct because of overhunting.
           ▪ The researchers encountered unexpected results that prompted them to modify their methodology in the course of completing
             the experiment.

         4. Expressions used with gerunds
        Gerund ile kullanılan ifadeler (expressions used with gerund)
                                             Some Expressions Followed by Gerunds
                          It is no use/good...                 …-nın/-nin yararı yok
                          It is not worth...                   …-a/-e değmez
                          There is no point in...              …-nın/-nin anlamı yok
                          a waste of + (time/money/energy)     (zaman/para/emek) ziyanı
                          waste + (time/money/energy)          (zamanı/parayı/emeği) boşa harcamak
                          spend (time/money/energy)            (zaman/para/emek) harcamak
                          What/How about...?                   …-a/-e ne dersin?
                          sit/stand/lie + (place)              (bir yerde) oturup/dikilip/yatıp durmak
                          without/by                           -sız, -siz/-erek, -arak
                          have fun/good time                   iyi vakit geçirmek
                          go + (activity)                      (aktivite) yapmaya gitmek
                          busy                                 meşgul olmak
                          can’t help                           durduramamak
                          can’t stand                          katlanamamak

           ▪ It’s no use trying to convince him to change his mind as he has already made up his mind and will not budge.
           ▪ Do not waste your time worrying about things you cannot control; focus on the things that you can change and take action.
           ▪ Without having access to accurate data, it is difficult to make the right decisions and develop effective strategies for growth.

        Duyu fiilleriyle de gerund kullanılır.
                                              Gerunds after Verbs of Perception
                         hear                   see                   listen                smell
            Yapılan iş baştan sona gözlenmiş ise yalın olarak, yapılan işin bir kısmından bahsediyorsak gerund ile kullanırız.

           ▪ I heard my father talking to his colleagues on the phone, discussing the latest developments in their research project.
             (Ben onu duymaya başlamadan önce telefonda konuşmaya başlamış.)

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