Page 195 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 195

Topic Summary - Gerunds and Infinitives

           ▪ I heard my father talk to his colleagues on the phone, discussing the latest developments in their research project.
             (Konuşmayı baştan sona duymuş.)

           Duyu fiilleri ile birlikte “can” veya “could” kullanılmışsa devamında her zaman gerund tercih edilir.
           ▪ The students could hear their teachers discussing the upcoming field trip to the museum.
        5.   Passive and Perfect Forms of Gerunds

            “Gerund” yapısının “passive” biçimi: being + past participle
           ▪ He dislikes being interrupted while working on an important project.

           ▪ The suspects agreed on being interrogated separately to ensure the accuracy and reliability of their testimonies.
            “Gerund” yapısının “perfect” biçimi: having + past participle

            Bu yapıda “gerund” olan fiilin, ana fiilden daha önce gerçekleştiği vurgulanır.
           ▪ The survey respondents did not say having experienced any adverse effects from the medication.
              (Ankete katılanlar, ilaçtan herhangi bir olumsuz etki yaşadıklarını söylemediler.)
           ▪ The dean congratulated students on having passed their exams and successfully completed their degree programmes.

            “Gerund” yapısının “passive perfect” biçimi: having been + past participle
            Bu yapıda “gerund” olan fiilin, ana fiilden daha önce gerçekleştiği vurgulanır.

           ▪ Lucy is pleased about having been selected for the scholarship, a well-deserved recognition of her hard work and academic
           ▪ I am proud of having been approved to represent my country at the international conference.

         1. Usage of infinitives as the subject and subject complement
            “Infinitive” bir fiilin başına “to” getirilerek ya da fiili yalın haliyle kullanılarak oluşturulan bir fiilimsidir.

           ▪ To travel the world has been my greatest dream since my childhood.
           ▪ I would like to explore the world and experience new cultures.

            “Infinitives’’ kullanım yerlerini şu şekilde sıralayabiliriz:
        Özne olarak (as the subject of a sentence)
            “Infinitive’’ cümlenin öznesi olarak kullanılabilir.
           ▪ To conduct a thorough analysis of the data requires using appropriate statistical methods and tools.

           ▪ To alleviate traffic congestion is a phenomenon which does not have a universal solution all around the globe.
            Infinitive özne görevi gördüğünde cümlenin fiili tekil olmalıdır. Ancak “and’’ ile bağlanan birden fazla infinitive varsa fiil çoğul
           ▪ To exceed the limits of work hours is a common problem in many industries.

           ▪ To sleep under direct sunlight is not recommended as it can lead to skin damage.
           ▪ To speak clearly and to write persuasively enable people to express themselves better.
        Öznenin tamamlayıcısı olarak (as subject complement)
            “Subject  complement’’,  “be”  fiili  ile  özneyi  tamamlamak  için  kullanılır.  Sadece  bir  sözcükten  ya  da  birden  fazla  sözcüğün
            oluşturduğu bir sözcük grubundan oluşabilir.

           ▪ One effective approach to conserving natural resources is to encourage people to use renewable energy sources, such as
             solar or wind power.

           ▪ An important step for reducing carbon emissions is to promote public transportation, walking, or biking instead of driving a car.

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