Page 29 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 29

Exercises - Determiners & Quantifiers

          C) Complete the sentences with either, neither, both, none, or all.

          1.   There  are  several  introductory  books  for  microbiology  students,  ________  containing  large  amounts  of  easily
             understood material.
          2.   If ________ of the parents share the same genes, in other words, if they are relatives, the likelihood of having a child
             with genetic disease increases.

          3.   When ________ the football clubs in the Bundesliga, the professional football league in Germany, are taken into
             consideration, ________ can compete with Bayern Munich.
          4.   On ________ side of the river lie an enormous bog and the wilderness stretching away until it is lost in the distance.
          5.   Even though these two hotel booking sites are known for having the best prices on the Internet, ________ is the best
             choice regarding online reviews.

          6.   ________ of the patient’s feet can be amputated, but the chances of survival are better with the right foot.

          D) Complete the sentences with either, neither, each, or every.

          1.   ________ one of the luxury properties in the city has a distinctive style sets it apart from all the others.
          2.   The young couple has always lived in the same small town, and ________ is willing to move to a bigger city where
             jobs might be easier to find.

          3.   According to experts, there are three types of the disease, ________ with its own unique set of symptoms.
          4.   The two neighbouring countries were competing for a greater share of the European market, but ________ could win

          5.   Not ________ dentist can do root canals or surgical extractions, so they usually refer patients to a specialist.
          6.   The city located on ________ side of the bridge was almost deserted, but the bridge itself was still crowded with
          7.   It is required that ________ of the pupils compose an original poem in order to participate in the contest.

          E)  Complete the sentences with some, any, no, many, or much. It is possible that more than one
               answer is correct.

          1.   Does the chairperson think there are ________ opportunities for European companies to increase their exports to
             South America?

          2.   While at work, ________ employees in the company are allowed to engage in personal communication during
             business hours.
          3.   ________ plan is suitable for the committee, as long as it includes all the items on the members’ agenda.

          4.   Whereas ________ predators, such as owls and snakes, paralyse prey with constriction, others, like sharks, devour
             it with their incredibly strong jaws.
          5.   Do the workers have ________ knowledge about workplace safety and follow the guidelines, or do they take risks to
             save their time?
          6.   Three antiques were stolen from the Cadbury Manor in January last year, but ________ seven months later, they
             were found in a garbage can just outside the village.

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