Page 26 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 26

Topic Summary - Determiners & Quantifiers

          Miktar belirleyicilerin (quantifiers) bazıları yalnızca sayılabilen (tekil ya da çoğul) isimlerle, bazıları yalnızca sayılamayan
          isimlerle, bazıları hem sayılabilen hem de sayılamayan isimlerle kullanılırlar.

            Sadece sayılabilen              * T: Tekil
            isimlerle kullanılan   T   Ç                               Örnekler
            miktar belirleyiciler             Ç: Çoğul

                                           A couple of students have passed their exams, thereby becoming entitled to proceed
            a couple of
                                           further in their own country’s medical schools.
                                           A majority of people are involved in sports in one way or another, which can help boost
            a / the majority of (the)
                                           energy levels and promote health and wellness.
                                           A number of problems may arise while treating a patient with septic shock, depending on
            a number of
                                           the severity of his / her illness.
                                           Both (of the) pupils come from prestigious families and are therefore accustomed to a
            both (of) (the)                comfortable lifestyle.
                                           Both of you had better behave yourselves, or else I will have to make sure that you do.
                                           Managers need to report their findings to superiors each week, so departments must have
                                           somebody who collects all the reports and delivers them to higher-ups.
            each (of the)
                                           Each of the characters in the game has their own distinct personality, and the player can
                                           interact with them to unlock new abilities.
                                           Either choice is problematic in that they both lack a response to the valid criticisms being
                                           made by proponents of climate change theory.
            either (of the)
                                           Either of her hands is always in the pocket of her jacket, making her seem more nervous
                                           and unsure of herself.
                                           Every password you create should be unique and hard to crack so that unauthorised
                                           people cannot guess or discover it.
                                           One of the employees had a work accident and sued the company for damages with a
            one of the
                                           claim of $75,000.
                                           Neither parent was willing to expose their kid to the ills of the big city, so they sent her
                                           to a boarding school that emphasised education and character-building.
            neither (of the)
                                           Neither of the two drivers gives any sign of knowing how to drive, and frankly, I am
                                           amazed they did not crash into each other.
                                           Children spent the entire morning singing songs and playing while their teacher gave
                                           instructions on the importance of sharing.
            the / an entire
                                           People have always wondered how an entire continent, i.e. Atlantis, could have been
                                           submerged without breaking into pieces.
                                           Reading the whole book in a single sitting does not seem possible because there is so
                                           much you need to process.
            the whole (of) (the)
                                           The whole of the poet’s life was devoted to observing the world in detail and describing
                                           what he saw.
                                           (Only) A few (of the) eggs were cracked, and each egg was dropped into a specially
            (only) a few (of the)
                                           designed machine, which determined if the eggs were edible.
                                           Few (of the) cities in the region are as prestigious as İstanbul, and for centuries, it has
            few (of the)
                                           enjoyed a special role as the place where Europe meets Asia.
                                           The males of the species are as large as a football, while the females are half their size.
            half (of) (the)                Half of the districts in the country are below the poverty line, and 40 per cent of the citizens
                                           do not have access to clean drinking water.
                                           The members of the committee put forward many (of the) ideas, and the final decision
            many (of the)
                                           was made based on suggestions received from different segments of society.

                                           Several (of the) kids have volunteered to help with the project, which is very kind, but they
            several (of the)
                                           will have to be well-monitored for safety reasons.

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