Page 28 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 28

Exercises - Determiners & Quantifiers


          A) Complete the sentences with a, an, the, or zero article (Ø).

          1.   ____ Pacific Ocean is very well-known for drawing ____ warmest water towards its centre, which is ____ phenomenon
             known as “upwelling”.
          2.   ____ Bahamas has ____ subtropical climate, which means its weather is generally not too hot or cold throughout
             ____ year.
          3.   ____ nature always finds ____ way to replenish itself by means of ____ cycle of ____ birth, decay, and regeneration.

          4.   In ____ 1880s, it was customary to have ____ workday lunch break of ____ hour or two, ____ tradition that survives
             in ____ present-day custom of eating lunch.
          5.   ____ Mykonos, one of ____ most famous islands in ____ Aegean Sea, has dozens of ancient ruins with beautiful
             natural landscapes.

          6.   Having ruled many countries in ____ Africa for most of ____ nineteenth century, ____ UK had ____ important
             influence on ____ continent until after World War II.
          7.   ____ literature has always been in ____ demand in that it has ____ ability to help people understand ____ complexity
             of human beings, situations, and societies.
          8.   ____ Mount Everest has always fascinated many ____ mountaineer who dreams of exploring ____ highest mountain
             in ____ world.

          9.   Mozart not only excelled at ____ piano, but he was also ____ gifted violinist, making him one of ____ most versatile
             instrumentalists of his time.
          10.   ____ Baker Street, ____ street in ____ London where famous characters Sherlock Holmes and his companion Dr
             Watson reside, is ____ fictional location.
          11.   Inventors need ____ inspiration to come up with ____ innovative and original products like ____ Internet, which
             has revolutionised ____ way we live.

          12.   ____ Watsons were going to go on ____ two-week holiday in ____ August, but they were told to change it to ten
             days to save ____ money.

          B) Complete the sentences with a few, few, a little, or little.

          1.   Before the ship went under the water, ________ passengers were able to salvage their belongings, and most of them
             ended up with nothing except the clothes on their backs.
          2.   Quite ________ money should be spent on hospitals so that they will be able to offer quality services to all of their

          3.   If a manager has ________ information about the production process or working conditions in a company, s/he can
             offer only ________ suggestions for improvement.
          4.   Teenagers could always use ________ advice on how to handle difficult social situations, but they do not always
             want to hear it from their parents or other adults.

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