Page 25 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 25

Topic Summary - Determiners & Quantifiers

          Kategorilerine göre article kullanımlarını aşağıdaki tablodan inceleyebilirsiniz:

                              Indefinite article: a / an     Definite article: the         Zero article: Ø
                                                           the Volga, the USA,
                                                                                       Lake Van, America, Mount
                                                           the Alps, the earth,
            Places             Is there a lake near here?                              Ilgaz, Venus, Camomile
                                                           the Indian Ocean,
                                                                                       Street, Paris, Rhodes
                                                           the Prince Isles
                               Is there a post office near   go to the school / hospital  go to school / hospital
            Public Buildings
                               here?                       (ziyaretçi olarak)          (öğrenci / hasta olarak)
            Entertainment      Let’s sing a song!          go to the cinema,           play tennis, listen to music,
            and Sport          I’ve got a tennis racket.   play the guitar             watch TV

            Travel             catch a train, take a taxi  on the plane, in the car    go by car, go home on foot

                                                                                       next week, in 1987, in June,
            Time               in a minute, in an hour     in the 1920s, in the morning
                                                                                       on Monday, at noon

                               The country does not have   the police, the fire brigade,
            Organisations                                                              UNICEF, NATO, NASA
                               an army.                    the UN (the United Nations)

            Health             have a cold / cough / fever  have the measles / flu     arthritis, hypertension

                                                           the Queen, the Principal    become President,
                               work as an engineer,        the poor (= poor people)    Greeks,
            People and Work
                               have a job                  the Potters (= the Potter   go to work, be at work,
                                                           family)                     have work to do

          Difference Words
          “other” ve “another” belirleyicileri farklı, kalan veya ek bir şeye atıfta bulunur. Bir ismin önüne gelirler. “the other”, kullanımı
          bunlardan farklı olarak, önündeki “the” sözcüğünden de anlaşılacağı gibi belirli şeylerden bahsederken kullanılır.

                                 other (belirli olmayan)   another (belirli olmayan)       the other (belirli)

            Tekil                          X                     another survivor             the other car

            Çoğul                     other letters                    X                     the other cars

            Sayılamayan                    X                           X                    the other honey

              ▪ Some scientists think that if the common cold virus were exposed to UV light, it would be irreversibly inactivated, while other scientists
                 claim that the virus would only be weakened, not destroyed.

              ▪ As a result of last night’s search and rescue efforts, another survivor was found near the crash site.
              ▪ The world has two hemispheres; one is dominated by the sun, while the moon dominates the other hemisphere.

              ▪ There are seven continents in the world; among them, Antarctica is not populated, while the other continents are home to millions
                 of people.

              ▪ You can use either brand of honey for the recipe, but I prefer this to the other honey because it has a richer taste.

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