Page 22 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 22

Topic Summary - Determiners & Quantifiers

                   What is in this unit?

               • Articles       • Demonstratives     • Difference Words     • Quantifiers

           In this unit, you will learn to use …

                • articles in sentences.
                - Attending a charity concert and organising other activities for community service groups
                 are among the extracurricular activities that can benefit society as a whole.
                • difference words  in sentences.
                - Vocational high school graduates do not have to study only in their field at university; there are other degrees they can
                 choose to pursue.
                • quantifiers  in sentences.
                - Most children start school at the age of six, but it largely depends on the country’s regulations.

                  Key Points            Quantifiers

            ▶   “Some” devamında sayı olduğunda “yaklaşık olarak” anlamına gelmektedir.
                  ▪ Scientists began the construction of brain-imaging technology some fifty years ago, and now the use of these devices
                     has become widespread.
            ▶  “Many a(n)” yapısı “çok sayıda” anlamına gelmektedir ve çoğul anlamına rağmen peşinden gelen isim ve fiil tekil
                  ▪ Many a student considers maths a difficult subject, but with practice, perseverance, and by using the right techniques
                     to learn, anyone can excel in maths.
            ▶  “None” bir zamir olması sebebiyle bir sözcük veya sözün yerini tutmaktadır ve dolayısıyla kendisinden sonra
                 isim gelemez. Olumsuz anlam taşıması nedeniyle sadece olumlu yapıdaki cümlelerde kullanılabilmektedir.
                  ▪ The English Language Teaching department at the university has three doctoral programmes, but the department of
                     English Literature has none. (= no doctoral programmes)
            ▶  either, neither & both vs. none & all
                 “either”, “neither” ve “both” iki şeyden bahsederken kullanılmakta iken “none” ve “all” üç veya daha fazla
                 şeyden bahsederken kullanılır.
                                                    either (of them) can be under renovation or in need of refurbishment.
              The town has got two hotels, and      neither (of them) is / are near the railway station in the town centre.
                                                    both (of them) are rather comfortable and charming in appearance.
                                                    none (of them) are within easy walking distance from the car park.
              There are five cinemas in the area, and
                                                    all (of them) have been closed due to renovations in recent months.
            ▶  Eğer bir cümle olumsuzsa, “both” değil “either” kullanılır.
                  ▪ There is no remarkable difference between either form of the sentence since one is just a shorter form of the other.
            ▶  “Every” bir zamir olmadığı için peşinden “of” gelmez. Bunun yerine “each of the” ile aynı anlama gelen
                 “every one of” kullanılır.
                  ▪ Every one of (=Each of) the teachers is supposed to attend this meeting no matter what and discuss what the
                     students will learn next semester.
            ▶  “Every” kelimesinin olumsuzu “not every”dir.
                  ▪ Not every surgery is successful, and complications can arise post-operation, but that does not mean one should
                     never undergo the procedure.
            ▶  “The number of” bir şeyin sayısını belirtir ve peşinden gelen fiil tekildir. “A number of” ise birkaç veya çok
                 anlamına gelmektedir ve ardından gelen fiil çoğuldur.
                  ▪ The number of farmers has started to decline in recent years as a result of urbanisation.
                  ▪ A number of farmers have started to grow olive trees due to the low cost of production.
            (quite a few = a fairly large number of), (only a few =not many), (quite a little =a fairly large amount of), (only a little =not much)
                  ▪ It is required by law that those applying for citizenship in Germany be able to speak quite a little German.
                  ▪ As the course is really hard, only a few students can complete it and go on to study at the university.

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