Page 19 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 19

Exercises - Pronouns

          4.   The most interesting thing about the theatre is that it makes you feel like you are ______________ else for a while.
          5.   Despite the advancements in GPS technology, it is not always possible to go ______________ with navigation due to the inadequate
             signal from the satellites.
          6.   Even though the consequences of global warming are being felt in every region of the world, ______________ is witnessing
             changes on such a dramatic scale as the Arctic.

          7.   Technology, more than ______________ else, is what creates the world we live in. It is the source of our prosperity, economic well-
             being, and very identity.
          8.   It is thought that ______________ in the world can now feel the effects of the climate change because of the extreme weather
             events such as cold blasts, droughts, floods and wild fires.
          9.   Revolutionary web technologies completely changed our lives, so we use the Internet in almost ______________ we do.
          10. Empathy is the ability to share ______________ else’s feelings and emotions as if they were your own, and it is necessary to solve
                the conflicts in relationships.

          E)  Fill in the blanks with the forms of “other”.
          1.   There is no ______________ place on Earth where glaciers are as easily accessible as they are on the west coast of New Zealand.
          2.   In ancient Rome, the most famous games were the gladiatorial shows, where armed men fought ______________ in violent, often
             mortal, combats for fame, fortune, and even freedom.
          3.   Most dermatologists only recommend a shower ______________ day or two to three times a week as the protective skin layer may
             get harmed due to the frequent use of water and soap.
          4.   In the world, which was reshaped as a result of the French Revolution, many states within the empires declared their independence
          5.   Self-confident people are admired by ______________ and inspire confidence in them.
          6.   Expanding the area of the brain related to memory and decision-making is ______________ known benefit of dance apart from
             working the muscles, reducing stress and increasing motivation.
          7.   In Japanese, there are three alphabets, namely Hiragana, Katakana, and Nanji. Kanji is based on meaning, with each character
             representing a different syllable, whereas ______________ are built on sounds, with each letter expressing a different syllable.

          F)  In the following paragraph, some lines are correct, but some include a mistake. If the line is
               right, put a tick next to it, but if there is a mistake, cross it and write its correct form.

            1  When we judge ourselves based on how others behave, we give others the power to influence  __________

            2  our actions. This comparison is between you and other individual. Sometimes it’s genetic, like    another

            3  wanting to be taller, but most of the time, it’s nothing the other person can do that we wish  __________
            4  we could do as well. Perhaps Sally writes better reports than you, and perhaps Bob’s marriage  __________

            5  is happier than your. This comparison can be damaging or inspiring, depending on the   __________

            6  situation. You can be almost anything, but not everything. When we compare ourselves to  __________
            7  others, we frequently compare our average characteristics with theirs strongest ones. It would  __________

            8  be like a right-handed person attempting to play an instrument with their left hand. The  __________
            9  unconscious knowledge that we are not superior to they often leads to self-destructive  __________

           10 behaviours. You succeed in one thing more than the other: being yourself, and this is the only  __________
           11 game that is truly winnable.                                                         __________

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