Page 17 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 17

Topic Summary - Pronouns

          One, Ones

          ▶  “One” sayılabilir tekil ismin, “ones” çoğul ismin yerine kullanılır.
                ▪ Here are some homemade cookies. Why don’t you take one? (a cookie)
                ▪ I am going to buy these shoes, but I am not sure about these ones. (shoes)
          ▶  İşaret ve belgisiz zamirleri ve soru ifadeleri ile kullanılır.
                ▪ Of all the universities across the country, the ones in the capital are considered the best.
                ▪ None of the companies I had a job interview with seemed so professional as this one.
          ▶  Bu zamirler “relative clause” yapısıyla kullanılır.
                ▪ This graph is the one which shows the income distribution among the people in big cities.

                  Key Points

            ▶   Belgisiz zamirler, “else” ifadesi ile de kullanılabilir.
                  ▪ Although developed countries should be dealing with important problems in the world like hunger and water scarcity,
                     they seem concerned about something else.
                  ▪ This is the best offer we can give, so don’t expect anything else from us.

            ▶  Belgisiz zamirler, kendisinden sonra doğrudan bir sıfat alabilirler.
                  ▪ On condition that something unexpected happens, inform the director.
                  ▪ Our duty is to find somewhere suitable for the conference that we are going to hold next month.
                  ▪ Anybody knowledgeable about this topic can easily find a solution to this topic.

            ▶  Belgisiz zamirler kendisinden sonra to + Verb alabilirler.
                  ▪ Everyone needs someone to trust and to lean on in life.
                  ▪ If you can’t find anywhere to go for the holiday, you may get help from a professional.

            ▶  one,  each,  either,  neither, enough
                 Bu zamirler, özne konumundayken kendilerinden sonra gelen fiil tekil çekimlenir.
                  ▪ The company has many projects ahead, and each requires a huge budget.

            ▶  both, (a) few,  several,  many
                 Bu zamirler özne konumundayken kendilerinden sonra gelen fiil çoğul çekimlenir.
                  ▪ Throughout history, many have migrated from one nation to another, assimilating or even adopting other cultures.
                  ▪ These two desserts are so appetizing as both appeal to my eyes and also my palate.

            ▶  all, most,  some,  any,  none,  half,  the rest
                 Sayılamayan isimlerin yerine kullanıldıklarında fiil tekil, sayılabilenler için çoğul olur.
                  ▪ Although bad experiences may lead to a decrease in our motivation, much stays as long as it is intrinsic.

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