Page 23 - Dersler Cepte - English 12
P. 23

Topic Summary - Determiners & Quantifiers


        Determiners and quantifiers are words that are used before nouns. We use determiners to identify things (this book,
        my sister) and we use quantifiers to say how much or how many (a little water, a lot of problems).



        İsimlerden veya tamlamalardan önce kullanılan “a”, “an” ve “the” sözcükleridir.
        Indefinite Articles: a / an

        İkisi de “bir” anlamına gelir ve bu nedenle tekil isimlerden önce kullanılırlar. “a” sessiz harfle başlayan, “an” de sesli
        harflerle başlayan tekil isimlerden önce kullanılır.

              ▪ Reading a book is not just about being entertained; you also get information, encouragement, and lots of good advice
                 depending on the story and genre.

        Aşağıdaki durumlarda “a” ve “an”i kullanırız:

         ▶  Sayılabilen nesnelerle “bir” anlamında kullanırken, bir nesneden ilk kez söz ederken.
              ▪ Going to a concert might sound like fun, but it can be kind of boring if the music is not that good.
        ▶  Bir türün bir üyesinden bahsederken
              ▪ Thanks to palaeontology, we all know that a woolly mammoth was a shaggy, slightly lumpy elephant that was either brown or grey.
        ▶  Fiyat, hız, birim belirten kelimeler ile

              ▪ A jaguar can run nearly 80 km an hour, which is fast enough to outpace almost every predator roaming the Earth.
        ▶  Bir olayın ne sıklıkla olduğunu belirten kelimelerin önünde
              ▪ Brushing your teeth three times a day for almost two minutes each time will greatly help you maintain good oral health.
        ▶  Meslek adlarının önünde
              ▪ Being a visual designer means having to work with clients, so you sometimes need to persuade them to see things your way.
        ▶  Bazı hastalık adlarının önünde
              ▪ One of the easiest ways to cure a sore throat is with honey, although it may not be effective against other cold symptoms
                 like sneezing or a runny nose.
        ▶  Tek bir kişi veya nesneyi tanımlarken
              ▪ When ripe, an apple is distinguished by its bulging skin, which can be light green, yellow, orange, red, or purple-blackish.

        Definite Article: the
        “the” sözü edilen ismin belirli, tanımlanmış veya nitelenmiş bir örneğinden bahsederken kullanılır ve tekil ve çoğul
        isimlerin yanı sıra sayılamayan isimlerle de kullanılabilir.

          ▪ The film shot by the famous director has always been considered one of the best in French cinema.

        Aşağıdaki durumlarda “the” kullanırız:

        ▶  Bir nesneden ikinci kez bahsederken
              ▪ Scientists have devised a new method for determining how fast dinosaurs walked; the method involves studying
                 the lengths of dinosaur bones and the speeds of various living animals.
        ▶  Superlatives yapısı kullanırken.
              ▪ İstanbul, with more than 15 million people living there, is one of the most crowded cities in Europe.

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