Page 58 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 58


  KONU                             OTHER COMPARISION STRUCTURES
                  YDT    YDT    YDT     YDT    YDT    YDT    YDT    YDT     YDT    YDT    YDT           YDT

                                      OTHER COMPARISION STRUCTURES
                                                    AS … AS
                            Structures                                      Examples
          İki şey arasında eşitlik olduğu anlamını vermek için kullanılır. Olumlu, olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde kullanılabilir.
                                                         ♦  As  the  report  suggests,  we  are  as successful as  our
                                                            rivals in the market.
                     as + adjective / adverb + as
                                                         ♦  Even  someone  as hardworking as  Bob  may  have
                                                            difficulty in solving such a hard question.
         Bu yapı miktar belirten ifadelerle (quantifiers) kullanılabilir.
                                                         ♦  While on holiday, you can visit as many places as you
                as + many / much / few / little + noun + as
                                                         ♦  The wedding hall was quite small, so we decided to invite
                                                            as few people as possible.
          Bu yapı bir özelliğin diğerine oranla kaç kat daha fazla veya az olduğunu ifade etmek için kullanılır.
                 half                                    ♦  This dress is twice as expensive as the one you have
                twice                                       just tried.
              three times    + as + adjective / adverb + as  ♦  The movie isn’t half as exciting as the book from which it
              four times                                    was adapted.
               As … as yapısı sadece karşılaştırma için kullanılmaz. “Olabildiğince” anlamında, genellikle zarflarla kullanılır.

         ♦  Since it is rather fragile, you had better wrap this antique vase as carefully as you can.
         ♦  We should set off as soon as possible; otherwise, we may miss the wedding ceremony.

                                                    SO … AS
                            Structures                                      Examples
          Olumsuz cümlelerde so + adjective / adverb + as yapısı as ... as yapısı ile aynı anlamda kullanılabilir. Ancak bu kullanım
          daha resmî ve daha az yaygındır.
                                                         ♦  My grades aren’t so high as my classmates’, although I
                     so + adjective / adverb + as
                                                            study hard.
                so + adjective / adverb + as + to infinitive  ♦  I know that Frank isn’t so rude as to break anyone’s
                         (… yapacak kadar)                  heart.

               So…as ve as……as yapılarının arasına sıfat ve zarf dışında başka sözcükler de gelebilir.
         ♦  Messi didn’t play so / as well this week as he did last week.
         ♦  Rob isn’t so / as sensitive to pain as his wife.

                                                   SUCH … AS
                            Structures                                      Examples
          İki şeyi karşılaştırmak için olumlu, olumsuz ve soru cümlelerinde kullanılabilir. Tekil, çoğul ve sayılamayan isimler ile
          kullanılabilir. İsmi niteleyen bir sıfat varsa isimden önce gelir.

                                                         ♦  This is the first time I have ever eaten such delicious
                                                            food as this.
                     such + adjective + noun + as        ♦  Such a selfish person as Samuel doesn’t deserve to be
                                                            in such an important position.
                                                         ♦  I had never experienced such a breath-taking moment
                                                            as I tried bungee jumping for the first time.

  58      MEBİ KONU ÖZETLERİ                                                               ENGLISH - YDT
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