Page 59 - Konu Özetleri YDT İngilizce
P. 59


                                                 THE SAME ... AS
                            Structures                                      Examples
          The same ... as yapısı karşılaştırılan öğelerin aynı olduğunu ifade eder.
                                                         ♦  Rafael has the same height as his father.
                                                            (He is as tall as his father.)
                        the same + noun +as
                                                         ♦  I earn the same amount of money as you do.
                                                            (I earn as much money as you.)

               Karşılaştırılan iki öğe, cümle başında özne olarak kullanıldığı zaman as kullanılmaz.
         ♦  Tom and I work at the same place. (I work at the same place as Tom.)
         ♦  Sue and Sally go to the same university. (Sue goes to the same university as Sally.)
                                          SIMILAR TO & DIFFERENT FROM
                            Structures                                      Examples
          Similar to yapısı karşılaştırılan öğelerin benzer, different from yapısı ise farklı olduğunu ifade eder.

                     similar to + noun / pronoun          ♦  My way of life is quite similar to that of yours.
                    different from + noun / pronoun       ♦  Loneliness is different from being alone.

                                                    LIKE & AS
                            Structures                                      Examples
          Like, gibi anlamında kullanılır.
                                                          ♦  Living  life  without  a  purpose  is  like running  in  a  race
                      like + noun / pronoun / V ing
                                                            without reaching the finish line.
          As, olarak veya gibi anlamında kullanılır.

                         as + subject + verb              ♦  I did everything as you said.

                                             THE MORE ..., THE MORE
                            Structures                                      Examples
          Bu yapı iki durumun birbirine bağlı olarak nasıl değiştiğini ifade etmek için, "ne kadar…, o kadar… " anlamında kullanılır.

                                                          ♦  The less you waste your money, the more you can save.
           the comparative + clause, the comparative + clause
                                                          ♦  The older we grow, the wiser we become.

               Bu yapının kısa hali (cümle kurmadan) better ile biten ifadelerle kurulabilir. (Ne kadar ... o kadar iyi)

         ♦  How would you like your coffee? The bitter, the better.
         ♦  What kind of clothes do you usually buy? The cheaper, the better.
         ♦  Which road do you prefer to take? The shorter, the better.

                                                   MY NOTES

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