P. 205
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ede oda ı ve ere e do ru t e
sted er ar ı da o a re er e e
r sa s ve a sa s dere es a arı a
ta a ar ve so rası da ve a a ı r
e er e r er.
B ede oda ı re er sa s ve sa s A) Designers today struggle to find balance
e t er a arı a ta a adı ta so ra between function and aesthetics, resulting
ere e do ru o a dı arı ı ar ı a varır ar in products and experiences that are neither
e e ve a a ı r ar ere pleasing to the eye nor user-friendly in our daily
er e e r er. lives.
İ ve a a ı r e er e e e ste e B) Designers often prioritise aesthetics over
ede oda ı re er ere e do ru o functionality today, creating products and
a dı arı ı r er ve a arı ı r e de experiences that may look good but are not
sa s ve a sa s e t er ta a ar ar. practical for everyday use.
D a atta ere e do ru er ed er ar ı da C) Designers today fail to create products and
o a ede oda ı re er r sa s ve a experiences that are both visually pleasing
sa s dere es a arı a ta a adı ta and easy to use in our daily lives because they
so ra ve a a ı r e er e e r er. focus too much on one aspect and neglect the
a at o u ar ı da ı e t re e ede
oda ı a arı ı re er r sa s a da D) Functionality and aesthetics rarely come
sa s dere es ta a a ı ve a a ı together in products and experiences created
r ar ere u a a r er. by designers today, causing frustration and
inconvenience for everyday use.
E) Designers today are striving to strike a fine
balance between functionality and aesthetics,
creating products and experiences that are
both visually appealing and smoothly integrated
into our daily lives.
204 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
rta ret Ge e d r ret ro ra arı ve Ders ta arı Da re Ba a ı ı