P. 209
78. (I) o o a a es eare s rst o e ted Football is one of the most popular sports in
edition is on display in London today in honour of the world, with millions of fans tuning in to watch
the 400th anniversary of its publication. (II) Condell matches every week. (II) In recent years, concerns
a d e es ass ed a es eare s a s as have been raised about the safety of football,
o ed es stor es or tra ed es ue particularly with regard to the risk of head injuries.
how the plays were performed and understood. (III) Studies have shown that football players are
(III) The public is given the opportunity to see the at a er r s o deve o so e s e ra
First Folio at London’s Guildhall Library for one day diseases caused by repeated hits to the head.
only. The edition, issued seven years after the Despite these concerns, football remains a
playwright’s death on April 23, 1616, is one of the beloved pastime for many, and efforts are being
world’s best-preserved copies. Others will be made to make the sport safer for players at all
on exhibit around the world between now and the levels. These efforts include improved helmets,
end of the year to commemorate the publication’s rule changes to reduce high-impact collisions,
anniversary. and increased awareness about the signs and
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V symptoms of head injuries.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
7 Time travel has long been a popular topic
of fascination for many people, offering the
chance to visit the past or glimpse into the future.
(II) Despite its enduring popularity, scientists have
long dismissed time travel as nothing more than
s e e t o . (III) Some people prefer to explore
space instead of time, dreaming of the possibility
of visiting other planets or even other galaxies.
However, this hasn’t stopped the concept
of time travel from inspiring countless works of
popular culture, from movies to books to television
shows. The idea of travelling through time, from
Doctor Who to the mind-bending plot of Interstellar,
continues to capture our imaginations.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
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