P. 208
7 İ
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A) When we reduce individual carbon footprints 76. (I) Fish farming, also known as aquaculture, is the
and protect the natural ecosystems, we make ra t e o ra s s o tro ed e v ro e ts
it possible to bring the climate crisis to the level like tanks, ponds, or pens for food production.
which will cause the least damage. (II) It can be a sustainable alternative to wild
s as t a redu e t e ressure o d s
B) It is possible for everyone to reduce individual o u at o s a d rov de a o s ste t su o s
carbon footprints and protect the natural for consumers. (III) Fish farming can be done in
ecosystems, so they can initially bring the ways that minimise the environmental impact, such
climate crisis to the level which will cause the as using renewable energy and managing waste
least damage. properly. However, it can also have negative
effects on the environment, such as polluting
C) First, we should reduce our individual carbon ater a s t s aste a d us a t ot s
footprints and protect the natural ecosystems and chemicals to prevent disease and promote
we have, then it is likely that we bring the growth. Therefore, improvements in illness
climate crisis to the level which will cause the reve t o a d s utr t o are a t ated to e
least damage. rat er s a t t e ears to o e.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
D) It is possible to bring the climate crisis to the
level which will cause the least damage, initially
by reducing our individual carbon footprints and
protecting the natural ecosystems we have.
E) Gradually reducing our individual carbon
footprints and protecting the natural 77. (I) Coffee is the world’s most popular beverage,
ecosystems we possess can help us bring the and it is produced in over 70 countries around
climate crisis to the level which will cause the the world. (II) The majority of coffee is grown
least damage. in tropical regions, including the countries like
Brazil, Colombia, Vietnam, and Ethiopia. (III)
The two main types of coffee plants are Arabica
and Robusta, with Arabica being the most widely
cultivated and highly prized for its quality.
Coffee production can have both positive and
negative environmental and social impacts
for manufacturing countries. While it can
provide economic opportunities for farmers and
communities, it can be the cause of deforestation
and soil degradation if not managed sustainably.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
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