P. 207
7 74.
A) Unless every citizen immediately begins
A) Portuguese vocabulary was found in the working to protect our natural resources, our
languages of two Aboriginal groups in Western daily lives in the very near future will not be
Australia, suggesting that Portuguese different from today.
sailors may have had contact with the local
Aborigines in the 1500s. B) Our daily lives will not be different in the very
near future, if each citizen does not take action
B) The discovery that Portuguese words existed to protect our natural resources.
in the languages of two Aboriginal tribes in
Western Australia raises the possibility that C) Whether each citizen immediately starts
Portuguese sailors came ashore and contacted working to protect our natural resources or not,
the Aborigines throughout the 1500s. our daily lives will not be possible in the very
near future.
C) The fact that Portuguese vocabulary was found
in the languages of two different Aboriginal D) If each citizen does not immediately begin
communities in Western Australia supports working to conserve our natural resources, it
the probability that Portuguese sailors made will not be possible for our living conditions to
landfall in Australia during the 1500s and be as desired in the very near future.
established contact with the local Aborigines.
E) If every citizen does not immediately take
D) The discovery of Portuguese phrases in action to protect our natural resources, life will
two Aboriginal tribes’ languages in Western be different for all of us in the very near future.
Australia raises the likelihood that Portuguese
sailors landed ashore and established contact
with the Aborigines during the 1500s.
E) The unearthing of Portuguese lexical items in
the language of two Aboriginal communities
in Western Australia creates the prospect
that Portuguese mariners may have stepped
off and established communication with the
Aborigines during the 1500s.
206 Diğer sayfaya geçiniz.
rta ret Ge e d r ret ro ra arı ve Ders ta arı Da re Ba a ı ı