Page 144 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 144



                                             PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT

                                                     FUTURE JOBS

           In this task, you are expected to talk about your future plans and predictions, create a poster about them, and
           share it with the class.
           It will be easier for you to follow the steps below while performing this task.

           Before starting the task, you should...
             •  create a work plan.
             •  specify the tasks to be done in the plan.
             •  determine which websites you will need during your research.
             •  consult your teacher when you need.

           When performing the task, you should...
             •  use a variety of sources (textbooks, online resources, etc.) for your research.
             •  search for answers to questions such as...
              ◾What do you want to do after you finish high school?
              ◾What skills do you think will be important for your future career?
              ◾How do you think your life will be different in ten years?
              ◾How do you think advancements in technology will shape your future career, and what steps do you plan to
                   take to stay up-to-date with new technologies?
              ◾What are some challenges you think you might face in achieving your future goals, and how do you plan to
                   overcome them?
             •  visualise the data about the topic.

           Your poster should...
             •  be prepared to cover the content.
             •  include information about your future plans and predictions.
             •  be supported with images, text, and other visuals to illustrate your goals.
             •  be easy to read and understand.

           You have one week to prepare the poster and 10 minutes to present it in the class.

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