Page 149 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 149



              SUBJECT                  ENGLISH

              GRADE                    11

              THEME                    Future Jobs

              LEARNING OUTCOME         E11.1.S1. Students will be able to talk about future plans and predictions.

              COGNITIVE STAGE          Understand

              RECOMMENDED TIME         40 minutes

              ASSESSMENT TOOL          Worksheet

              WHAT IS EXPECTED         Students are expected to give correct answers to the questions about the usage
              FROM STUDENTS            of the future tense.
                                       _e_ 1. We are flying to Rome tomorrow at 7 o’clock.
                                       _g_ 2. I will be working on this project at this time next year.
                                       _h_ 3. Watch out! You are going to break the glass.
                                       _d_ 4. I think they will postpone the meeting.
                                       _a_ 5. I will have orange juice, please.
                                       _f_  6. Will you come for dinner on Friday evening?
                                       _c_ 7. Don’t worry. I’ll help you.
                                       _i_  8. I promise I won‘t let you down.
                                       _b_ 9. This tastes delicious. Will you give me the recipe?
                                       Possible answers

              ASSESSMENT                 a.  I will call my friend and see if he wants to grab a coffee.
                                         b.  Will you please help me carry this heavy box to the car?

                                         c.  I will be happy to help you with your project whenever you need it.
                                         d.  I think he will enjoy the movie, even though he hasn't seen it before.
                                         e.  I am going to meet my friends at the park at 2 p.m.

                                         f.  Will you come to my party next Saturday? It will be a lot of fun.
                                         g.  I will be taking an online course on programming next month.

                                         h.  It’s going to rain heavily tonight according to the weather forecast.
                                         i.  I will make sure to return your book before the due date.

                                       Each correct answer will be evaluated as 1 point.

                                       Considering the results of the assessment, it is recommended that further studies
                                       be carried out to eliminate students’ learning gaps related to the topic.

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