Page 151 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 151



              SUBJECT                  ENGLISH

              GRADE                    11

              THEME                    Hobbies and Skills
                                       E11.2.S1. Students will be able to take part in a dialogue about likes, dislikes,
              LEARNING OUTCOME
                                       interests, and preferences.

              COGNITIVE STAGE          Create

              RECOMMENDED TIME         20 minutes

              ASSESSMENT TOOL          Peer Evaluation

                                       Students are expected to write a dialogue in pairs and act it out in the group.
              WHAT IS EXPECTED         Then, each pair will evaluate the other pair’s performances by filling out the peer
              FROM STUDENTS
                                       evaluation form for speaking.

                                       Students will…
                                         •  read the statements in the form to understand what they are going to evaluate.
                                         •  follow their friends’ conversations carefully and grade each statement
              ASSESSMENT                  according to the rating scale.
                                         •  add any comment or suggestion in the form if they have any.

                                       The maximum score a student will get is 30.

                                       The students who get below 15 out of 30 are expected to revise the related words
              FEEDBACK                 and phrases and practice the pronunciation of these words and phrases. Also,
                                       these students are expected to revise the grammar patterns in the theme.

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