Page 188 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 188



                                                  DIAGNOSTIC TREE

          Zack   : Hey, have you heard any good music lately?
          Sophie : Yeah, I have. I’ve been listening to a lot of indie rock lately.
          Zack   : Oh, cool. I’m not really familiar with that genre. What kind of bands do you like?
          Sophie : Well, I prefer bands with female lead singers. I really like the energy they bring to the music.
          Zack   : That’s interesting. I personally prefer music that’s a bit more mellow. I like listening to acoustic
          Sophie : Oh, I see. That’s not really my thing. I like music with a lot of energy and electric guitars.
          Zack   : I can see why. I think music preferences are really personal. It’s all about what speaks to you.
          Sophie : Yeah, I totally agree. And the great thing about music is that there’s something out there for everyone.
          Zack   : Definitely. I think that’s what makes it so universal. No matter what kind of music you prefer, there’s always
                   something to connect with.

          Below is a diagnostic tree containing True (T) / False (F) propositions (statements) about the dialogue you have
          read. If you think the given proposition (statement) is true, you should choose ‘T’ option, if you think it is false,
          you should choose ‘F’. You will be able to reach one of eight different exit points by choosing True (T) / False (F)
          starting from the proposition (statement).
          You will get 1 point for each correct choice until reaching the exits. The highest score you can get is 3.

                                                   1. Technological devices such as
                                                      1. Both Sophie
                                                   electric cars, smart phones, and
                                                 and Zack have different tastes
                                                 cameras are all useless and a waste of
                                                        in music.
                                                  money as people can do any job that
                                                       those devices do.
                                             T                            F

                         2. Since they may be used for                           3. Zack is
                              2. Sophie
                       education and training, smartphones
                       prefers bands with female lead                       familiar with the indie rock
                       can be highly helpful for personal and
                             social growth.                                       genre.
                            T           F                                    T            F

                   4. Zack                  5. Sophie               6. Not only               7. Sophie
                                                              6. Excessive use of digitaltechnology
            4. Social media is always addictive for  doesn’t care about the energy  Zack but also Sophie are of the  7. Electric cars are gettingmore and
                                      5. Because using social mediacan
             prefers more mellow music,
                                                                                        thinks that there is enough
            everyone as people want to checkit  have both positive and bad impacts,  is always good for children's mental  more popular since they are
                                                              health because it helps themmake a
              such as acoustic singer
                                                                                        environmentally friendly and have
                                       we should use it responsibly.
            constantly without even realising it.  in music and prefers soft  opinion that music preferences  variety in the music industry to
                                                                    lot of friends.
                  songwriters.              melodies.              are subjective.         please everyone.
                T         F              T         F              T         F              T         F
             1  Exit     2 nd  Exit   3  Exit     4 th  Exit   5  Exit     6  Exit      7 th  Exit  8 th  Exit
                                                      1. Both Sophie
        188                                        1. Technological devices such as
                                                   electric cars, smart phones, and
                                                 and Zack have different tastes
                                                 cameras are all useless and a waste of
                                                        in music.
                                                  money as people can do any job that
                                                       those devices do.
                                             T                            F

                              2. Sophie
                         2. Since they may be used for                           3. Zack is
                       education and training, smartphones
                       prefers bands with female lead                       familiar with the indie rock
                       can be highly helpful for personal and
                             social growth.                                       genre.
                            T           F                                    T            F

                   4. Zack                  5. Sophie               6. Not only               7. Sophie
                                                              6. Excessive use of digitaltechnology
                                      5. Because using social mediacan
            4. Social media is always addictive for  doesn’t care about the energy  Zack but also Sophie are of the  7. Electric cars are gettingmore and
                                                                                        thinks that there is enough
             prefers more mellow music,
            everyone as people want to checkit  have both positive and bad impacts,  is always good for children's mental  more popular since they are
                                                                                        environmentally friendly and have
                                                              health because it helps themmake a
              such as acoustic singer
            constantly without even realising it.  in music and prefers soft  opinion that music preferences  variety in the music industry to
                                       we should use it responsibly.
                                                                    lot of friends.
                  songwriters.              melodies.              are subjective.         please everyone.
                T         F              T         F              T         F              T         F
             1  Exit     2 nd  Exit   3  Exit     4 th  Exit   5  Exit     6  Exit      7 th  Exit  8 th  Exit
   183   184   185   186   187   188   189   190   191   192   193