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P. 193



              SUBJECT                  ENGLISH

              GRADE                    12

              THEME                    Music
                                       E12.1.R1. Students will be able to infer people’s music preferences from their
              LEARNING OUTCOME
                                       ideas about music in a reading text.

              COGNITIVE STAGE          Understand

              RECOMMENDED TIME         40 minutes

              ASSESSMENT TOOL          Worksheet

              WHAT IS EXPECTED         Students are expected to give correct answers to the questions about music
              FROM STUDENTS            preferences.
                                       Possible Answers for Section A
                                       1. Lisa prefers soulful ballads and heartfelt lyrics because she sees music as a
                                       way to express emotions and connect with her inner self.
                                       2. Alex is energised by upbeat and fast-paced tunes, especially in the genres of
                                       rock and pop. It keeps him motivated and ready to take on the world.
                                       3. Maria finds classical music calming because the symphonies and orchestras
                                       transport her to a different world, helping her concentrate and focus while studying.
                                       4. Samir enjoys rap and hip-hop because he believes they tackle important social
                                       issues and convey powerful messages, allowing him to stay informed and express
                                       5. Music serves as a universal language because it can connect people from
                                       different backgrounds and cultures, transcending linguistic and cultural barriers.
                                       Possible Answers for Section B
                                       1. Dance / Electronic, Pop, or R&B
                                       2. Rock, Metal, or Punk
                                       3. Jazz, Blues, or Acoustic / Folk

                                       Possible Answers for Section C
                                       1. Students’ own answers
                                       2. Students’ own answers
                                       3. Students’ own answers

                                       Each correct answer will be evaluated as 1 point.

                                       Considering the results of the assessment, it is recommended that further studies
                                       be carried out to eliminate students’ learning gaps related to the topic.

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