Page 194 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 194




          A) Read the following text about different people's ideas about music and answer the questions that follow.
                                                 Exploring Music Tastes

          Music is a universal language that connects people from different backgrounds and cultures. Each person has
          their own unique preferences when it comes to music. Let’s dive into the thoughts and ideas about music from
          four individuals.
          Lisa (18)   : “Music is all about expressing emotions. I love listening to soulful ballads and heartfelt lyrics. It helps
                          me relax and connect with my inner self.”
          Alex (17)     :  “For me, music is an outlet for energy and excitement. I enjoy upbeat and fast-paced tunes, especially
                          in the genres of rock and pop. It keeps me motivated and ready to take on the world.”
          Maria (19):  “I find solace in classical music. The symphonies and orchestras transport me to a different world. It
                          helps me concentrate and focus while studying.”
          Samir (18):  “Music should be a reflection of society. I enjoy rap and hip-hop as they tackle important social issues
                                and convey powerful messages. It’s a way for me to stay informed and express myself.”

          1. What kind of music does Lisa prefer? Why?
          2. What type of music energises Alex? Why?
          3. What genre of music does Maria find calming? Why?
          4. Why does Samir enjoy rap and hip-hop?
          5. How does music serve as a universal language?

          B) Based on the ideas about the music presented in the reading, infer the music preferences of the following
               individuals. Write your answers in the space provided.
          1. Michael (16):“I love music that makes me want to dance and move my body. The rhythm and beats get me
                           in a positive mood.”
          2. Sarah (17)  :“I appreciate music with high energy and a rebellious spirit. The powerful guitar riffs and intense
                           vocals really resonate with me.”

          3. Carlos (18) :“I find music that is mellow and relaxing to be the perfect companion for quiet moments. The
                           soothing melodies and soft vocals help me unwind.”

          C) Think about your own ideas and preferences about music. Answer the following questions in the
                space provided.

          1. What does music mean to you? How does it impact your life?
          2. What type of music do you enjoy the most? Why?
          3. Can you think of any musicians or bands that you admire? Why do you admire them?

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