Page 199 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 199



                                             PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT SCALE

                Criteria             Exemplary (5)     Proficient (3-4)  Developing (1-2)    Not Evident (0)

                                                        The dialogue is   The dialogue is
                                     The dialogue is
                                                      adequately prepared   poorly prepared
                                    well-prepared and
                                                      and organized with   and organized with
                                   organised with clear                                      No evidence of
                Preparation                             clear roles and   unclear roles and
                                    roles and purpose.                                        preparation.
                                                      purpose. The script   purpose. The script
                                   The script is creative
                                                     is somewhat creative  is not very creative or
                                     and engaging.
                                                        and engaging.        engaging.
                                                                          The dialogue is
                                     The dialogue is    The dialogue is   performed with little
                                     performed with   performed with some
                                     confidence and     confidence and    confidence and
                                    enthusiasm. The    enthusiasm. The    enthusiasm. The
                Delivery              actors stay in   actors mostly stay in   actors do not stay   No evidence of
                                                                          in character and
                                    character and use   character and use
                                   appropriate gestures,  appropriate gestures,   use inappropriate
                                                                          gestures, tone of
                                    tone of voice, and   tone of voice, and   voice, and body
                                     body language.     body language.
                                      The dialogue    The dialogue uses
                                    effectively uses a   some language   The dialogue uses
                                                                           few language
                                   variety of language   functions related to   functions related to
                                   functions related to   making requests and                No evidence of
                Content                                                 making requests and
                                   making requests and   granting favours.   granting favours. The   content.
                                   granting favours. The   The dialogue is   dialogue is unclear
                                   dialogue is clear and   somewhat clear and   and difficult to follow.
                                     easy to follow.    easy to follow.

                                                       The actors mostly   The actors have
                                     The actors work
                                   well together, taking   work well together,   difficulty working
                                   turns and supporting   taking turns and   together, interrupting   No evidence of
                Collaboration                          supporting each   each other and not
                                   each other to make   other to make     supporting each     collaboration.
                                    the dialogue flow   the dialogue flow   other, making the
                                                          smoothly.       dialogue choppy.

               Note: The above rubric is a general guideline. You can adjust the criteria or weightings based on your
               specific learning objectives and expectations for the assignment.
               Overall Score:
               Exemplary: 20-25
               Proficient: 12-19
               Developing: 4-11
               Not Evident: 0-3

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