Page 45 - İngilizce Sınıf İçi Değerlendirme
P. 45


                                               PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT

                                        PREPARING A POSTER DESCRIBING A MOVIE


             You are expected to prepare a poster describing a movie, using ‘the simple present tense’ and to share your
             posters with the class in the form of an oral presentation. You will get 100 points if you follow the instructions
             below. You have one week to finish the project.

             Before you start, you should...

             • make a plan.
             • identify the materials you need.

             In the poster, you should...

             1. Start with the title of the movie.
             2. Write the type of film and the year.
             3. Explain the plot of the film briefly.
             4. Do not tell the ending. Let other students guess the rest of the movie.
             5. Say your opinion about the film.

             You have a maximum of 10 minutes to present your poster in the class.

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