Page 10 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 10
9. Airlines often ---- flights worldwide due to bad 13. As people get older, they often have difficulty in
weather conditions or technical issues, which ---- retaining information that they have just seen,
can significantly impact passengers’ travel plans. such as phone numbers or shopping lists.
A) arrange A) fairly
B) confirm B) briefly
C) offer C) heavily
D) delay D) lately
E) handle E) curiously
10. In the professional world, it is thought to be kind 14. Since rising atmospheric carbon dioxide levels
to ---- clients to address their needs and concerns increase photosynthesis, they could ---- the
soon after they have contacted you. growth of tropical forests.
A) call back A) install
B) put away B) spoil
C) pass on C) improve
D) bring up D) destroy
E) carry out E) beat
11. University libraries provide students with ---- to 15. Even though many people are aware of the
a variety of materials, including books, journals, environmental benefits of recycling, some still ----
electronic databases, and websites. items that could be easily sorted and reused.
A) practice A) throw away
B) access B) bring back
C) description C) divide up
D) demand D) put out
E) benefit E) switch off
12. Modern solar panels can be considered more 16. New research shows that students who can see
---- than earlier models, as they produce more green landscapes ---- their classroom windows
electricity while occupying less space. perform better ---- tests requiring focused
A) efficient
A) across / for
B) familiar
B) towards / at
C) affordable
C) out of / through
D) reserved
D) with / in
E) separate
E) from / on