Page 13 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 13
1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.
1. Your energy bill could rise in the winter due to air 5. When pilots prepare for departure, they have
leakage caused by improper installation, extreme to conduct a series of final checks before an
---- changes, or low-quality windows. aeroplane can safely ---- from the runway and rise
into the sky.
A) temperature
A) divide up
B) election
B) come in
C) forecast
C) put out
D) complaint
D) take off
E) prescription
E) get back
2. The development of writing is a ---- turning 6. In competitive sports, having a talented coach
point, as one of the main differences between provides the team with a significant ---- since
prehistoric and historic societies is surely the the coach offers expert guidance, strategy, and
presence of written records. motivation.
A) temporary A) advantage
B) great B) mystery
C) strict C) memory
D) frequent D) challenge
E) humid E) attraction
3. In addition to reducing food waste and preserving 7. It is essential to recognise whether a patient’s
the nutrients and flavour of the products, learning condition is ---- and requires immediate medical
how to ---- store your food will also help you save attention to prevent serious complications.
A) regular
A) occasionally
B) public
B) completely
C) relative
C) typically
D) frozen
D) properly
E) urgent
E) approximately
4. Road signs provide useful information about 8. To ensure that a machine performs properly and
traffic laws, directions, and distances to help you satisfies quality requirements, it is critical to
travel more safely or ---- getting lost in unfamiliar follow the detailed instructions ----.
A) hardly
A) postpone B) suddenly
B) explore C) correctly
C) interrupt D) kindly
D) avoid
E) hopefully
E) remove