Page 17 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 17


         1. - 16. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere uygun
         düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz.

        1.   The Mediterranean diet is renowned for its   5.   As a result of the rise of artificial intelligence,
            nutritional ----, emphasising a balanced intake of   some people are concerned that it will replace
            fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.   humans, and they may ---- losing their jobs.

            A) value                                          A) put out
            B) comment                                        B) switch on
            C) difficulty                                     C) end up
            D) fallacy                                        D) give in
            E) taste                                          E) turn into

        2.   Investors see renewable energy as an important   6.   A new type of camera that mimics the vision of a
            part of the ---- green economy, which promises    bird for better object identification has a wide ----
            long-term growth and innovation.                  of potential applications in various industries.

            A) temporary                                      A) range
            B) dangerous                                      B) receipt
            C) developing                                     C) attitude
            D) previous                                       D) prescription
            E) challenging                                    E) inquiry

        3.   ---- all patients with type 2 diabetes experience   7.   Although blue colouration is frequently observed
            symptoms like increased thirst and tiredness,     in certain insects, such as bees, wasps, beetles,
            commonly described in medical resources.          and butterflies, it is relatively ---- in ants.

            A) Slightly                                       A) common
            B) Especially                                     B) traditional
            C) Fairly                                         C) cosy
            D) Nearly                                         D) separate
            E) Only                                           E) rare

        4.   Researchers often ---- scientific teams during   8.   Simulation is used to model objects, systems,
            expeditions worldwide so that they can provide    or processes with the aim of predicting their
            support and analysis to ensure the mission’s      behaviours and performance in different
            success.                                          scenarios as ---- as possible.
            A) entertain                                      A) quickly
            B) improve                                        B) accurately
            C) collect                                        C) curiously
            D) replace                                        D) obviously
            E) accompany                                      E) sincerely

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