Page 14 - Vocabulary For YDT 12
P. 14
9. During the Ottoman Empire, leatherwork was 13. Creating detailed grading rubrics enables
highly valued; skilled artisans produced a variety teachers to evaluate students’ work ---- by
of leather products, which ---- ceremonial items. providing clear criteria and uniform standards.
A) attracted A) gently
B) preferred B) mainly
C) explained C) rarely
D) included D) partly
E) destroyed E) fairly
10. While ---- their children, parents play a key role 14. In scientific research, choosing the best
by guiding them through the challenges of life approach is important, so researchers need to ----
and providing them with the tools and values which methods to use before experiments to get
necessary for personal growth. accurate results.
A) bringing up A) raise
B) calling back B) contain
C) taking apart C) decide
D) carrying out D) expect
E) tidying away E) perform
11. Renewable energy presents an effective ---- to 15. Actors and actresses are trained to ---- no matter
the growing concerns about climate change by what unexpected issues arise to keep the show
generating clean and sustainable power. running in theatrical productions.
A) delay A) carry on
B) solution B) get along
C) excuse C) take up
D) result D) work out
E) ambition E) turn back
12. Psychological studies suggest that the 16. ---- various discoveries, human-made artefacts
development of an ---- sense of self is significant, like tools, clothes, and decorations provide
as it allows individuals to form their own opinions valuable information ---- academics studying
and make decisions. ancient cultures.
A) increasing A) Without / to
B) opposite B) Within / about
C) irregular C) Underneath / by
D) embarrassing D) Among / for
E) independent E) Of / upon